New laws tabled in Australia to deploy troops to suppress domestic unrest
28 June 2018
The “war on terrorism” is again being exploited to expand powers to call out the military at home.
US Democratic senators demand eviction of Julian Assange from Ecuador’s London embassy
28 June 2018
Leading Democratic senators, including Diane Feinstein and Mark Warner, have declared they are “extremely concerned about Ecuador providing asylum for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.”
Another suicide in Australian immigration prison camp
27 June 2018
A tragic death shows how desperate and vulnerable people are being deliberately subjected to inhuman conditions to deter others from seeking asylum in Australia.
New Zealand’s “First Baby” fuels media frenzy
27 June 2018
The orchestrated fawning over the “First Child” is designed to divert attention from the sharpening class struggle within New Zealand and increasing global turmoil.

Bipartisan bid to push through Australian “foreign interference” bills
26 June 2018
The bills could be used to outlaw opposition to Australian involvement in any US-led military intervention, particularly a confrontation with China.
Australia: Toys ‘R’ Us closure to destroy 700 jobs
26 June 2018
The chain’s liquidation underscores the parasitic role of private equity firms in collapses throughout the retail sector.
Growing concern in Canberra over PNG links with China
25 June 2018
Claims of Chinese influence in Papua New Guinea are being ramped up ahead of November’s Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit in Port Moresby.
Report finds majority of Australian youth favour socialism
25 June 2018
The poll showed that the growing attraction to socialism is closely related to a rise of anti-capitalist sentiments.