OCAP | Fighting to win since 1990
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty is a direct action anti-poverty organization that fights for more shelter beds, social housing, and a raise in social assistance rates.
poverty, homelessness, housing, social assistance, ontario works, odsp, anti-poverty. ocap. ontario coalition against poverty, shelters,
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Raise the Rates march. Large crowd following behind a banner that says "We're here for our money, Raise the Rates Now".


Fighting to Win Since 1990

March through a blizzard to demand shelters be opened. Front banner says "Housing, Shelter, Safe Space Now!"
OCAP occupation of Liberal Party headquarters to demand a raise in the rates. Banners being hung outside the windows say "Restore assistance to the poor" and "housing now"
Protesters outside of CD Howe meeting where John Tory is speaking, holding "Tory's Lies Cost Lives" and other placards agains't Tory's cuts to shelters