antifa notes (january 1, 2015)


Declassified Cabinet papers reveal that racist violence by the Australian Nationalists Movement and National Action was a matter of some concern in 1988-1989. See : Cabinet papers 1988-89: racism alive and violent, Damien Murphy, The Sydney Morning Herald, January 1, 2015. The former leader of the ANM, Jack van Tongeren, appears to have retired from politics to dedicate himself to painting. The former leader of National Action, (Dr) James Saleam, carries on as the leader of the Australia First Party.


A few years later, NA was active in Melbourne. I’m going to try and upload various material from this period in the coming days and weeks. Below is a sample:



The self-proclaimed “President” of the Australian Defence League, Ralph Cerminara, and his teenybopper sidekick, Zane Commins, appear to have enjoyed both Christmas and New Years’ behind bars. Zane also appears to have enjoyed taking photos and video of anti-fascists and anti-racists at the December 8 protests in Penrith — material shared among his far right colleagues.


Australian Defence League receive informal ‘cease and desist’ letter, postmarked Lakemba (2195)

Yesterday afternoon, Ralph Cerminara declared on Twitter that he would be leading a crusade to Lakemba:


It didn’t go quite according to plan, however. After having been given a clip ’round the ears by angry locals, ADL führer Cerminara (36) and his teenybopper sidekick Zane Commins (19), have been charged with affray. Today the pair was refused bail: “In court this afternoon the pair was refused bail with Justice Les Brennan not mincing his words. The last thing this community needs bearing in mind what’s happened in recent days is boofheads like this stirring up a certain section of the community, Justice Brennan said.” According to one journalist, Magistrate Les Brennan told court ADL boss Cerminara said to police “an hour after I’m released, I’ll be in #Lakemba with 50 of my mates”.

Making Cerminara as accomplished a legal eagle as he is a political strategist.

(Q. Is Zane Commins the same Zane who filmed anti-racist protesters in Penrith on December 8? It seems likely but I can’t tell from the grainy footage uploaded thus far.)

NSW Police Media Release: Three charged following Lakemba fight, December 23, 2014 | Three arrested in Lakemba brawl, SBS, December 23, 2014 | Three men arrested after Lakemba brawl, Channel Ten, December 23, 2014 | Australian Defence League leader Ralph Cerminara refused bail over Lakemba brawl, ABC, December 23.