Ten years after the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, Yohann Koshy takes stock of what went wrong and where we are.

Prime Minister Hun Sen has dissolved newspapers and the opposition. Simon Kenton and Becky Lake report.

Comedy is an art form. Kate Smurthwaite explains.

Make the Future is the latest in flimsy greenwash PR from an oil company pretending it can save the world from oil companies, Darren Cullen writes.

Chilean feminists have taken over university buildings until inequality is tackled. Giulia Dessi reports.

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Latest issue

July/August 2018, Issue 514

Big story

Also this issue …

  • Inside the post-truth laboratory
  • Sterilized against their will
  • How to make housing a human right
  • Country profile: Botswana
  • Graham Green speaks to Malian musicians Amadou & Mariam

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Protesters carry a banner: ‘Humanity doesn’t require a green card’
Adam Smith
A march on the one year anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire. The LRB’s Andrew O’Hagan can’t rewrite the Grenfell narrative, argues rapper Potent Whisper.
Three former guerrillas watch the election results from La Tienda, the social space in the Icononzo reintegration zone.

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