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June 27, 2018 - click here for index of articles.

Defend your ABC

The attack on the ABC was taken to a new level by the Liberal Party’s peak body, its federal council, at its conference on June 16. The council voted by a large majority of its delegates in favour of privatising the ABC. Its privatisation plan excludes regional and rural areas where the provision of a service would not be profitable.  more ...

Editorial – A step forward

On Tuesday June 12, 2018, the leaders of the DPRK (North Korea) and the USA met in Singapore to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula.  more ...

Dark precedents

In August 2001, Prime Minister John Howard demonstrated to the world what his country’s elite soldiers could do. Desperate, close to starvation and having been rescued at sea from the Palapa I in the Indian Ocean, refugees and asylum seekers on the Norwegian vessel, the MV Tampa, were greeted by the “crack” troops of the Special Air Services.  more ...

How neo-liberalism ate itself – Public Forum

Neo-liberalism today is seen by many as the discourse of economic rationalism gone too far, derided by most people except those also beholden to conservatism that make up the current federal Liberal government of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.  more ...

Taking Issue – It’s all about oil

When the Howard government joined with the US and Britain to invade Iraq, the excuse given was that Saddam Hussein had accumulated “weapons of mass destruction”. These quickly proved to be fictitious, but they had served their purpose. Saddam had in fact been actively exploring the potential for establishing an oil market independent of US “petrodollars”, but the invasion of Iraq and the death of Saddam put an end to that. The threat to the power of “Big Oil” had been averted.  more ...

Yemen – Militarisation of waterways

The Yemeni archipelago of Socotra in the Indian Ocean is located some 80 kilometres off the Horn of Africa and 380 kilometres south of the Yemeni coastline. The islands of Socotra are a wildlife reserve recognised by (UNESCO), as a World Natural Heritage Site.  more ...

Germany – Danger of a wavering left

LEIPZIG: Millions watching the G-7 leaders plus Trump in Quebec and then the Trump-North Korea talks in Singapore, understandably may have missed the also-important events simultaneously happening here in Leipzig. While those important events were unfolding internationally the very important political party, Die Linke, was holding a congress in Leipzig, the famous German trading city of old.  more ...

People centred development

Imagine if you were living in poverty in an Australian Outback town or facing homelessness in a major city. Your only options are to struggle each day with the same reality. Your search for an economic out is blocked at every turn and increasing poverty is your future. Can you imagine how you would feel if either the Liberal party or Labor party sent someone to your town to find ways to create opportunities for you to get a job, have a home and build a future. If they sought not only to assist you but your whole family. It is hard to imagine either major party sending teams of their members and officials to areas such as Logan City or to rural towns to develop plans for their development to help people.  more ...

Film Review – Heredity

No one will call Hereditary, the directorial debut of Ari Aster, a simple haunted house story. Most viewers, even the most devoted horror fans, don’t really know what to make of Aster’s chilling new film. But it’s difficult not to see the house as integral to the story’s menace, something the camera encourages in the opening scene as it listlessly pans across the artist’s workshop of Annie (Toni Collette). The shot settles on one of her dollhouse-like constructions, zooming in to enclose us in the real room of a child being awakened for their grandmother’s funeral.  more ...

Culture & Life – Why we’re challenging UK Oil & Gas

Vicki Elcoate writes on behalf of the Surrey and Sussex Six, who are resisting a legal attempt to ban protests against fossil fuel drilling.  more ...

Quote of the Week

There is and there can be no other way of testing the real might of a capitalist state
than by war.

VI Lenin

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, June 26, 2018.

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