Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Political Economy of the Weapons Industry

In this Issue: Joan Roelofs on how defense contractors always get what they want and more than they need. Hip Hop in the Age of Trump by Nick Pemberton; Mexico on the Brink of Revolutionary Change by Laura Carlsen; Marx’s Alternative to Capitalism Makes More Sense Than Ever by Paul Street; We Burned Through a Whole Hemisphere in 500 Years by Stan Cox; Trump’s Quest for Energy Dominance by Josh Schlossberg. Plus: Jeffrey St. Clair on Hurricane Maria; Chris Floyd on American decline; Pete Dolack on trade pacts; Ruth Fowler on family courts; and much more.

Decision Time for ‘Democracy’: Who Will Be Our Next Unelected Arbiter-for-Life?

Many say the resignation of Justice Kennedy represents a ‘threat to democracy’ because Trump will no doubt appoint someone keen to serve his authoritarian bent. But a democracy that can be threatened or even “destroyed” by the resignation of one unelected official (with a lifelong term) and the appointment of another unelected official (with a lifelong term) by an ‘elected’ official who didn’t even receive the majority of votes is a strange kind of democracy, isn’t it? More

After the Amazon Tax Betrayal

In the wake of the Democratic Party’s shameful betrayal over Seattle’s Amazon Tax – a tax on big business to fund affordable housing – housing costs continue to soar off the charts with no solution in sight. Nearly half of the city’s renters are now officially “rent burdened,” while one fifth spend more than half their income on housing. More

From Occupation to Community: the Lessons From OccupyICE Portland

I remember visiting the the OccupyICEPDX encampment during its first week in Portland, Oregon in which activists successfully shut down the local I.C.E. Facility. I was able to have conversations with several activists and assist in carrying heavy items around the camp. The activists told me what made this occupation so successful was once they More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: John Ackerman
  • TOPICS: The upcoming Mexican elections.

Robert Hunziker: “I’m Not Very Optimistic, Unfortunately. It’s Just Reality”
