Shutdown Cheltenham’s neo-Nazi Clubhouse: Campaign Update

imagesWow! Can you believe we’ve had our petition going now for over a week and we’re nearly at 900 signatures! A big thank you to everyone whose signed it already and shared with your family. We’re going to keep it going until mid July and then present it at the City of Kingston Council meeting on July 23, 2018.

We’ve been in contact with the Council and have provided them with an update on the petition and also with further information on the men associated with the neo-Nazi clubhouse in Cheltenham. Last Sunday at Federation Square members of the neo-Nazi clubhouse filmed themselves abusing, bullying and harassing a circus performer, Dandyman.

A Melbourne street performer who was harassed by a group of white nationalists has returned to work, telling a large group of supporters that “do good in this world and good will happen”. Junkee 

You can read about it here and here plus Clementine Ford wrote a really good piece a couple of days later in the Sydney Morning Herald. We updated Council that they were making national headlines, again, for all the wrong reasons. You can watch Dandyman’s performance a couple of days later at Federation Square here.

Big thank you to the local who sent us some really good information about boxing and licensing. They had a boxing match scheduled tonight which they were going to stream but we let Council know about that too. The event has been cancelled on their Facebook page. The guy in the photo is Neil Erickson and you can read about him here, here, here and here.

Neil Saying Fight Cancelled Happening in 3 weeks LOL

We will post Sunday night about what you can do during the week to help us apply pressure on Council so we can shut this down quickly.

Have a good Saturday night.




No neo-Nazi Clubhouse in Cheltenham

35991023_2029233444007439_2832708747653021696_nWhat a day folks! We’ve got Lads Society running scared with the poor little things having to resort to Facebook reporting to try and shut down the petition because they are scared. They have a lot to be scared about because we won’t stop until they’re gone.

Sign our petition and share with your friends on social media and via email. Thanks to everyone who is sending messages of support and to the locals who are getting on the ground and working with us to make sure our beautiful bayside suburbs are neo-Nazi free.

Why is this important?

The Lads Society are at Unit 9/158 Chesterville Road, Cheltenham near the Waves leisure centre and their commercial warehouse is leased on their behalf by Mr Thomas Sewell through Nixon Industries. The Lad’s Society is a clubhouse, training facility, recruitment centre and safe space for neo-nazis and others on the far-right. The Lad’s Society poses itself as ‘…an organisation consisting of young, Australian men, committed to restoring the elements of our nation, starting at the individual, and community levels’, and offers a gym, a place to drink and meet people. Concerningly, because of the way they’ve structured themselves as a kind of ‘men’s club’ with a nationalist bent, insecure and otherwise unaligned young men in the neighbourhood could be at particular risk of being radicalised toward Nazi politics in this space. As well, these men operating out of Cheltenham is an immediate danger to the multicultural neighbourhood, due to their violent histories and politics, and the fact they gather on Fridays from 5PM, drink, lift weights and fight each other until late in the evening.

To say these men are nazis is not an exaggeration. One of the founders of The Lad’s Society is Blair Cottrell, who has been documented suggesting pictures of Hitler should be hung in every classroom, and Mein Kampf should be handed out to every student every year (evidence of his ideas are readily available by google search). He has also been convicted and served time for stalking and burning down an ex-partner’s house. He is the founder of United Patriots Front, a group he was the chairman of that involved other found members of The Lad’s Society, including Thomas Sewell, pictured below with Blair Cottrell celebrating Hitler’s birthday and flashing the ‘white power’ hand gesture.