Get Involved

Maximum Rocknroll is and will always be a volunteer-run operation. No one receives any salary, now or ever. It is an economically self-sustaining project, with all proceeds either invested in technological improvements for the magazine or donated to similarly minded not-for-profit projects.

We have contributors (whose words and art appear in the mag), shitworkers (who help get the mag and this website running every month) all around the world, and coordinators (who live rent-free at the house in exchange for signing their life away to the cause!). If you have a few hours a month to spare, we would love to hear from you. If you are a college or high school student interested in helping out on a regular basis as part of an internship requirement for your school, get in touch.

We also always on the lookout for Bay Area punks who want to help out in any capacity for in-person shitwork, including record reviews, mail order, and inventorying our record collection. See below for more information on how you can plug in.


Distro Coordinator: We’re in search of a detail oriented, business savvy punk to help get new copies of Maximum Rocknroll into our readers’ mailboxes every month! Besides packing and mailing new issues of the magazine, our Distro Coordinator also serves as our de facto accountant. They are responsible for invoicing (and sometimes debt collecting from forgetful punks!), soliciting new distributors, and generally serving as one of our public faces on the business side of things. People skills and management experience is preferred. As compensation, Distro Coordinators get to live rent free in the Maximum Rocknroll compound.

Books Coordinator: Love to read? Love independent publishing? Great at editing? Then you might be a good fit for our books coordinator position. MRR strives to have an engaging book reviews section that covers rock biographies/memoirs, non-fiction political books, collected works of zines, and whatever else falls under the umbrella of punk interest. The Books Coordinator edits and formats the reviews as they come in, as well as managing the book assignments and reviews. The Books Coordinator is responsible for reaching out to publishing houses to get review copies of relevant works, and passing along the contact to those companies to the Ads or Distro Coordinator so that we may solicit advertisements from the publishing companies whose books we review. Due to the nature of our reviewing process, applicants must live in the Bay Area to be considered.


New Issue Day: New Issue Day is generally the first Sunday of every month. We pack up magazines, listen to records, and eat pizza. Email to get added to our NID announcement list. Visiting punks encouraged to stop by!

Reviews: Due to the nature of our review process, record, demo, and zine reviewers must be located in the Bay Area. If you live in the Bay Area, can come to the MRR house at least once a month, and are interested in becoming a reviewer, send us an email introducing yourself and we’ll send you an application.

Book reviewers can be located anywhere in the world. We are always looking for reviewers who can review in languages other than English. Contact for info.

Transcribing: Are you a fast and accurate typist? Help us get interviews for upcoming issues typed up and edited!

Archive: We’re building a comprehensive database of our record collection, which will include discographical information, record reviews, and more. It will live online as a free resource, launching at some point in 2018. We need regular inventory shitworkers, who are responsible for updating our database and cleaning and repairing records. Must be detail-oriented!

Design: Though we do most of our layouts in house, we are always looking for people who are interested in doing interview design and producing house ads.

Translating: We often receive interviews in bands’ native languages. We are always looking for translators who are able to accurately and quickly translate into English.

Mail Order: We get dozens of orders for magazines, t-shirts, records, and other merch every week. Help us pack them up and get them to punks worldwide!

Newsletter Sign Up

Sign up here to receive emails about New Issue Day, shitworker gatherings, and other volunteer projects and events.