Neil Erikson ~versus~ Law & Order

No jail for Melb man for racist calls, SBS, February 12, 2014:

A man has avoided jail for abusing a Melbourne rabbi in a series of racially-motivated phone calls he tried to explain as a prank.

Neil Luke Erikson, 29, phoned Rabbi Dovid Gutnick of Melbourne City Synagogue on three occasions, telling him “Give me the money Jew or else I will get you” and abusing him for his faith.

He also spoke of circumcisions, blood money and Jewish sidelocks and told Rabbi Gutnick he knew his location and was coming to get him.

Magistrate Donna Bakos said she had no doubt Erikson’s calls were motivated by prejudice and found he had little remorse for his crime.

But she ignored prosecution pleas to jail Erikson, sentencing him instead to psychological assessment and treatment in the community.

“There is no other explanation except that they were motivated by prejudice, if not hatred, toward the victim because of his race,” she told Erikson …

Convicted racist and stalker Neil Erikson — who attended the True Blue Crew flagwit parade on Sunday — had a mention hearing in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court today, accused of breaching a personal safety intervention order.

Erikson argued that he wasn’t subject to the order.

Unfortunately for him, the magistrate disagreed, and said there was sufficient evidence for a conviction relating to the order, stating he would face a fine if he entered a plea of guilty then and there, or would likely face imprisonment if he entered a not guilty plea and went to trial.

Undeterred, Erikson entered a not guilty plea, and faces trial on November 20, 2018.

The Personal Safety Intervention Orders Act 2010, section 100, sets the maximum penalty for breaching an IVO as two years imprisonment.

Erikson was unrepresented at the hearing, and has given no indication he will seek legal representation.

Erikson is due back at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court again on Friday, July 6 for a mentions hearing arising from charges stemming from the MILO stoopid of December last year. His fascist comrades Garry Mattson (Soldiers of Odin), Ricky/Rikki Turner (28, Sunbury), Garry Hume (48, Eltham) and Richard Whelan (33, Surrey Hills) also face charges.

Erikson has been to court quite a few times of late, and is also due in Korumburra Magistrates’ Court on other matters on August 30.

Previously, Erikson attended court on the following dates:

29 May – Directions, Toll (no appearance, order for summary judgement)
15 May – Directions, Toll (ordered to seek pro bono barrister)
14 May – Contempt hearing, Toll (guilty $10,000)
(9 directions hearings RE: Toll between 7 December, 2017 and 11 May, 2018)
4-5 September – Contest, Bendigo CIU (guilty, $2000)

• In total, then, Erikson has been to court, or been called up, at least 17 times in the last 12 months. This rivals the number of Facebook groups/projects and blogs Erikson has cycled through over the last few years, which list includes (but is not limited to): Cooks Convicts, Patriot Blue, Nationalist Uprising, Australian Settlers Rebellion, Aussie Patriot Army, Ban Islam Party, European Australian Civil Rights League, Generation Identity Australia, Nationalist Republican Guard, Neil Erikson Media, NRG Media, OzConspiracy, Pauline Hanson’s Guardian Angels, Reclaim Australia, United Patriots Front, and United Patriots Front — Originals.
• The Federal Court has just released open documents software to the public, which was previously only available to court staff. For that reason, it’s possible to examine the Toll saga — AKA TOLL TRANSPORT PTY LIMITED & ORS v NEIL LUKE ERIKSON — in all its glory here.
• Considering that a breach of an IVO falls into the category of contempt (ie, ignoring a court order), it seems very possible that Erikson will be jailed come November: a documented history of ignoring court orders, particularly during the current year, is unlikely to endear him to the courts.

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Roger Griffin on the fascist ultra-nation (extract)

img via tom tanuki

The ability of the ultra-nation to have connotations both of a regenerated nation-state and of a reborn civilization or race, sometimes simultaneously, gives this component of the central fascist myth, or ‘fascist minimum’ — what the theorist Michael Freeden would call its ‘ineliminable core’ — particular flexibility and affective appeal in the context of palingenetic longings at the time of crisis. As an emotive force, and as a source of identity and purpose, the strength of fascist ideology often lies in the nebulousness and utopian quality of its vision, not in its practicality or realizability. Thus the fact that fanatically patriotic neo-fascists from different countries may attend international rallies […] or conferences […] is a paradox, but certainly no contradiction.

The fascist ultra-nation can be envisaged as a supra-individual product of the fascist imagination which can partake of aspects of both the historical ‘motherland’ and ‘fatherland’, but also of mythicized historical and racial pasts and future destinies. It provides the mythic focal point for the fascist to feel part of a supra-personal community of belonging, identity and shared culture (whether based on history, language, territory, religion or blood, or a mixture of several such components). It is into this mystic entity that the individual is encouraged to submerge his or her tormented, angry, disoriented self entirely, thus dissolving it into an ‘identificatory community’ rather than forming part of an ‘integrative community’, one which respects the difference, individualism and humanity of ‘the Other’. In some respects, the ‘ultra-nation’ also takes on aspects of the Judeo-Christian God: it lives both in and through the unfolding of historical time and, contemporaneously, in the supra-historical eternity of the people or race. Moreover, in extreme situations — when the ‘motherland’ is threatened or the ‘fatherland’ commands it — it may demand love, commitment and suffering from the faithful literally to the point of the ultimate sacrifice, thus making their life holy through death while further sanctifying the ultra-nation.

On a psychological level, identification with the ‘ultra-nation’ can thus serve as a portal to transcendence for individuals whose personal lives have been shattered by socio-political and economic upheavals that threaten their core identity as individuals, or whose inner lives might otherwise be experienced as devoid of purpose, meaning and hope because of the personal crises they are experiencing. Heroic service to this supra-personal entity enables them to enter its highly mythicized story, its history, and perhaps fleetingly know directly the sensation of redemption and immortality evoked in the sacred texts and rituals of military burial and commemoration ceremonies dedicated to fallen soldiers all over the world. It should be noted, however, that the two world wars proved that, at times of national danger, even liberal democratic nation-states can develop intense, elaborate and at least partially spontaneous political religions centred on the moral imperative of individual ‘blood’ sacrifice to the national community. The difference is that liberal societies do not abandon civil nationalism and political liberalism as the basis of the ideal social order to which life should return after the crisis. In contrast, fascism sees the sacralized nation that may emerge under democracy in extremis at a time of national emergency and war not as an exceptional state, but as the inauguration of a new societal norm. Where liberal constraints were removed in the 1930s and 1940s, fascism attempted to engineer a sustained climate of extreme patriotism, reinforced in some cases by terror, which demanded the selflessness and sacrifice of a whole generation as the precondition for the replacement of ‘sick’ liberal democracy by a ‘healthy’ totalitarian new order inhabited, once the wars were over, by a socially engineered population of believers purged of theological, humanist or individual conscience.

It is implicit in this account that, following an early modern tradition of conceiving the subjects of a regime as constituting a ‘body politic’, whether autonomously self-regulating (as posited by Francisco Suárez) or created from above (as proposed by Thomas Hobbes), the fascist imagination turns ‘the people’ into an intrinsically anti-democratic and anti-egalitarian, organic entity signified by such words as ‘Volk’ (German), ‘volk’ (Dutch), ‘narod’ (Croatian) or ‘poporul’ (Romanian). However, it is important not to infer from this that fascism is inherently biologically or genetically racist. Certainly, any organic concept of the nation is intrinsically racist in the way that it tends to treat ethnicities or nationalities as idealized singular entities which are threatened by miscegenation (ethnic mixing), mass migration, cosmopolitanism, materialism, individualism or absorption into international bodies. Yet, as will become apparent […] the ultra-nation of the fascist political imagination is not necessarily racist in biological, pseudo-scientific, or eugenic terms. Nor is it necessarily obsessed with ‘blood-lines’, racial purity or heredity. Nor is it necessarily ‘eliminationist’, or genocidal in the manner of Nazism, the Iron Guard, or the Ustasha, in its treatment of other nationalities, ethnicities and out-groups.

From what has been said earlier about the way the fascist ‘ultra-nation’ is not necessarily equated with the nation-state, it is also clear that fascist ultranationalism does not preclude tactical alliances being forged with other ultranationalisms in a common supranational cause to fight the same international forces of ideological hostility or decadence held to be destroying the organic nation. Ultranationalism, despite its primary stress on the need for national or racial palingenesis, can thus acquire an important international or transnational dimension beyond narrow cultural, linguistic and ethnic divides, a fact being increasingly recognized by fascist studies.

~ Roger Griffin, Fascism, Polity, 2018, pp.43–45

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2018 True Blue Crew Aussie Pride / Flagwit Parade : All Aboard The Failboat — Toot Toot!

tl;dr : LOL

In Melbourne on Sunday, a small group of racists and fascists, assembled under the banner of the ‘True Blue Crew’ (TBC), undertook a rally and march, ostensibly in order to celebrate ‘Aussie Pride’. The flagwit parade is an annual event, inaugurated in 2016. Thus, this was in fact the third occasion that the TBC has rallied: you can read about last year’s event here and the 2016 event here. Most estimates place the number of participants at around 60-80, with numbers varying somewhat over the course of the few hours that the TBC occupied the CBD. In comparison to 2016 and 2017, this represented a small but significant drop in attendance, and confirms that, while the TBC, its numerous patriotik equivalents, and the various personalities that constitutes the movement’s leadership, can command hundreds of thousands of followers on facebook, this does not translate into actual mobilising capacity.

Touted by Timmeh! of AltRight upstart The Unhinged as being the biggest event on the nationalist calendar, participants assembled outside the Exhibition Building a little after midday, performed an execrable rendition of the national anthem (‘boundless plains to share’ — lol), and then, reinforced by a sizable police contingent, they marched: via Exhibition Street, to the corner of Bourke and Spring Streets in the CBD. Upon arrival, the ultra-nationalists milled about, exchanged pleasantries with the opposition corralled by police on Spring Street, then listened to speeches by local neo-Nazis Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell of ‘The Lads Society’.

After about 20 minutes of this no-doubt electric speechifying, the group — which at this stage numbered around 50 or so — were again marched away by police (via Spring Street) to Carlton Gardens, whereupon the event more-or-less ended. Fittingly, Cottrell ended his speech by declaring Melbourne to be a ‘shithole’; I suspect he may have been a tad upset that, after three years of self-promotion, only a tiny number of gronks were prepared to follow their fuehrer into battle on Bourke Street. In any case, some of the Lads reassembled for a drink at Transport Bar in Fed Square (see below) and then at Y&J’s.

Naturally — what with Melbourne being a shithole and all — the rally and march was also the subject of a counter-rally, organised by the Campaign Against Racism & Fascism (CARF) and allied groups. Their accounts of the day are also worth reading, and hopefully some lessons have been learned. In this context, it should be emphasised that, while the combined numbers of people taking part in the rally and counter-rally was several hundred, this was possibly exceeded by the number of police mobilised in order to contain them: as ever, it’s the state that determines the terrain. Be that as it may, here’s some links to media reportage, and below these are a few further notes for those interested. See : ‘They can’t summon as much violence as I can’: Leader of far-right ‘true blue crew’ vile boast as his supporters clash with anti-racism supporters at Melbourne ‘flag pride rally’, Cait Kelly/Australian Associated Press, Daily Mail Australia, June 24, 2018 (NB. To the best of my knowledge, this is one of the only media reports that actually labels Cottrell correctly as a neo-Nazi.) /// Far Right Group Host Rally In Melbourne But Were Outnumbered By Counterprotestors Three-To-One, Max Koslowski, Junkee, June 24, 2018 /// Far-right and counter protesters scuffle in Melbourne CBD, Rick Goodman, The New Daily, June 24, 2018 /// Far-right and anti-racism protesters trade verbal barbs in CBD clash, 9News, June 24, 2018 /// TRUE BLUE CREW AUSSIE PRIDE MARCH (AAP).

With regards to the political complexion and very brief history of the TBC, Tom Tanuki provides the following colourful, but basically accurate account:

The True Blue Crew are rallying tomorrow in the city, holding a vague kind of ‘flag worship’ event. It marks two years since an event in Coburg when the TBC got popular for punching on with lefties. Are you going to counter them or to wave a flag alongside them? Either way, it’s important to know what exactly the TBC is. Let’s recap and go through what we know in brief.

The TBC were formed after a few of their original core crew got into a scrap with some Antifa kids after a 2015 rally. ‘Never again,’ they said! So, the TBC were originally meant to be a patriot answer to black bloc Anteefa contingents.

Their red letter day came in May 2016, when they took part in an organised attempt to have the far-right march through Coburg. Their brief, televised fights with masked lefties were a big popularity boost for them. TBC started charging membership fees – $20 a week, $10 for ‘casual’ members. At one point, they were earning tens of thousands of dollars in just a few months! The money was being managed by TBC ‘President’ Kane Miller’s partner and her sister and all of that money was going to Kane. He was largely spending it as he liked.

Behind closed doors, the ‘President’ was abusing his partner. He even broke her back. He wasn’t the only woman-bashing TBC member, either – and when photographic evidence of another member’s brutal assault on his wife was made public, Kane avoided the increasing media spotlight on TBC by kicking Mark out. Members knew that decision made Kane a bit of a hypocrite, for the abovementioned reasons… So they started leaving the TBC. Kane’s abused partner finally left him too and the money management side of TBC went down the drain. The things she revealed about the abuse meant even more TBC members left the group – and they took their membership fees with them.

Kane went quiet for a long while, feeling defeated. TBC ‘club meetings’ dwindled after a time to little more than 12 unemployed blokes sitting around sucking cones in Kane’s mum’s living room. But the lure of conning working class Aussies out of their hard-earned wages still called to Kane. So TBC returned somewhat with an Australia Day BBQ in St Kilda (a genius idea he came up with after a sesh watching the new Romper Stomper). And he had some stupid fucking idea to wander around parks with a bunch of other losers looking for Sudanese children to fight. A meeting he held at Tom Sewell’s Cheltenham clubhouse was televised, with Channel 7 airing a description of the TBC’s initiative as being ‘like a Neighbourhood Watch’ – and it seemed to the world like the TBC were back!

It was not like a Neighbourhood Watch. It was just more hare-brained, shard-addled fantasy garbage from a man who was desperate to be given more membership fees to enjoy himself with. He says it’s for a ‘clubhouse’ but it isn’t and it never will be. TBC only have about 5-10 people contributing membership fees and they get most of their cash from merch. It’s not enough. Kane just wants to siphon more money out from poor, angry, confused Aussies.

That money won’t do anything but fund the TBC ‘President’ and his lifestyle. This is a man who gets cash-in-hand from his Muslim boss (serious!) and has membership fees go into his mates’ bank account so child support can’t take it. This is a man with convictions for domestic violence (he was also violent to his last ex, who also dumped him), multiple AVO breaches and firearms charges who won’t pay for his own child. Money given to TBC is fleeced money, and it pays for a shit fucking dude.

Hey. Put the culture wars down for a moment. Are you a right-winger intending on going tomorrow? Don’t. Pick your battles, and more importantly, pick your allies. These are bad ones. Spend your petrol money on beer, yeah? Enjoy your Sunday.

Are you a left-winger going tomorrow to counter? Fuck yeah! I can’t come coz I’m interstate. I wish I could. I’d love to yell at them. Of course you should show these egomaniacal arseholes they can’t march through the city uninterrupted. Go and yell at racist dogs!

Just remember, y’all – the filmed fights at Coburg were the best thing that ever happened to these guys. So, be careful. And don’t lose on camera!

While the bulk of those who attended the event were members of and/or sporting TBC merch, also present were members of neo-Nazi grouplet Antipodean Resistance, Cooks Convicts (Neil Erikson, Rino ‘Bluebeard’ Grgurovic and Ricky Turner), The Lads Society (‘Troy Bloodstone’, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell), Soldiers of Odin (Jay B Moore) and, for some reason, Daniel Purton/A26A (AKA ‘The Crew’).

They were joined by a handful of budding AltRight media creators — a teenybopper calling himself ‘The Young Conservative’, Some Guy called Bayden Mottee and his sidekick Lee/Leon Taylor (who travelled from NSW for the event) — while most of the rest were faces familiar from previous rallies. The nipsters below were in the company of Jacob Hersant:


• According to spotters: police worked closely with TBC throughout the course of the event and relations between the two were friendly and relaxed — one might even say that they worked hand-in-glove. This was no doubt a good and useful thing, as several TBC members were wearing gloves that were steel-reinforced. Police conducted a handful of body searches on rally-goers but were rather more thorough in the case of anti-fascists; upon completion of the event, participants were invited by Cottrell to join he and the other neo-Nazi Lads at their club house in Cheltenham.

• Having journeyed to Transport Bar at Fed Square upon completion of the rally, Cottrell and a number of his followers took the opportunity to engage in some cultural criticism. Spying a street performer, ‘Dandyman’, dressed in pink, and possibly imagining himself in the role of head of an Antipodean Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Cottrell & The Gang vocally objected to the performer’s pink costume. This, apparently, was sufficient reason to demand that he remove himself from the Square, and sufficient evidence for the performer to be accused of being a paedophile(!). Requesting assistance from police, they merely oversaw the cancellation of Dandyman’s performance and their removal from the Square. Granting de facto recognition of the authority of Cottrell & The Gang to decide who comes to Fed Square and the circumstances in which they come is a bold move by police, but is perhaps in keeping with the generally amiable relations between the two forces. In any case, it also reminded me of another brilliant piece of cultural criticism Cottrell mounted back in June 2015 as the poor boy struggled to come to terms with the suburb of Northcote:

… The drive into the heart of the city from the northern suburbs was not without drama. I was among our two carloads of eager souls traveling from the north inbound and I have never experienced such appalling traffic conditions.

I specifically remember crawling slowly through the suburb of Northcote and I have never in my life witnessed such a putrid expression of civilized humanity; not even in Dandenong is there such a profoundly visible depression of the buildings, the atmosphere, and the people themselves. I found myself staring open-mouthed out of the car window; for some moments, I was in a state of disbelief and felt as though the surrounding depression was creeping through my car window and licking at my sentiments of hope. The contagious despair of the place threatened to engulf my person after only a few minutes of being there.

Had the people living here really begun to believe such conditions were normal?

The walls of the buildings were literally caked in vulgar graffiti – and not the kind which had any creative or admirable aspect to it. Peeling and faded old advertising posters for music shows long since passed, mold and rot which would take the local business owner perhaps 30 minutes to remove with a high pressure hose, yet none anywhere seemed to have bothered. Even the smell of the place quickly quelled a painful hunger for breakfast I had been feeling hitherto.

And the propaganda there was all anti-racist material.

Posters, graffiti, and even large banners hanging from old public buildings of British-Australian architecture read “racism-free community”, “smash racism”, and so forth.

A structural dedication to past Australian military services, a building of some sort with architectural dedications in the front gardens, was the only decent looking building in the area, however, not even it was spared by the local graffiti bandits who had ‘tagged’ the walls and panels with some unintelligible scribble.

Was this suburb of Northcote the ultimate expression of so-called anti-racism? If so, the cultural degeneration of this place speaks absolute volumes of the philosophical and moral backwardness of these self-abnegating plebeians: today’s Marxistic Left-wing.

Had these pioneers of cultural decay gained any knowledge of our intentions on this particular day, you can rest assured they would have flocked to the area in formidable numbers to “smash the fash”, as they put it …


PS. TBC gangs in Perth and Sydney also held flag-waving rallies. In Perth, approximately a dozen or so boofheads assembled in order to be laffed at by scores more; in Sydney, Kokoda veteran Bill Ryan took the opportunity to denounce racism, but received little if anything in the way of support. Sydney eh?

BONUS! DandyMan versus nazi goons

This article by Richard Watts provides a good breakdown of Cottrell & The Gang’s harassment of Dandyman and the heartening response of the Melbourne community: Street performer reclaims Fed Square after far-right threat, ArtsHub, June 26, 2018. See also : Dandyman to perform this afternoon despite right-wing attack, Javier Encalada, The Northern Star, June 26, 2018 /// Melbourne street performer abused with homophobic slurs, Jesse Jones, Star Observer, June 26, 2018 /// What Happened When A Far-Right Group Bullied A Street Performer?, The Project, Channel Ten, June 26, 2018 /// Blair Cottrell and the problem of male aggression, Clementine Ford, The Sydney Morning Herald, June 26, 2018.

Cottrell was accompanied by at least thirteen others during the course of his artistic cleansing of Fed Square:

1: Luke Phipps; 2: Bayden Mottee; 3: Ian Sayer; 4: Max Towns; 5: Lee/Leon Taylor; 6: Jacob Hersant (Antipodean Resistance); 7: TBC; 8: Kane Miller; 9: ‘Troy Bloodstone’ (Lads Society); 10: TBC; 11: Rino ‘Bluebeard’ Grgurovic; 12: Steven Hansford; 13: TBC.

See also : We give you Melbourne’s thug Taliban, DYVRS, June 26, 2018.

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antifa notes (june 20, 2018) : True Blue Crew 2018 Flagwit Parade +++

The racist methgoblins of the ‘True Blue Crew’ (TBC) are holding another flagwit parade in the Melbourne CBD this Sunday. There they’ll be joined by a range of other right-wing cranks, including ‘Soldiers of Odin’, neo-Nazi ‘Lads’, ‘Timmeh!’ and The Unhinged, and even Neil Erikson and ‘Cooks Convicts’.

The participation of the ‘Convicts’ in the ultra-nationalist rally and march is genuinely amusing given the fact that Erikson has spent the last year or two deriding the TBC as drug-addled bogan scum. And while TBC lvl boss Kane Miller was (for some unknown reason) in court again today, he’ll presumably be allowed out to wipe the shit off his face and to accompany Erikson as they and a few hundred racist dogs join Victoria Police for a brief wander around the city before drinks.


In any event, the Campaign Against Racism & Fascism will be joining with other groups to ‘Unite to Stop The Far Right’ and to ‘Stop the Fascist March’:

An assortment of far-right groups are gathering for a “flag march” this coming Sunday.

We encourage anyone outraged by the idea of fascists marching through the streets of Narrm to join the counter demonstration.

Antifascists are assembling from all over the city. If you’re not already participating in a group with a plan for this coming Sunday, we’d encourage you to join the demonstration gathering at College of Surgeons Gardens at 11am.

Note that, if last year’s event is anything to go by, the flag-waving wankers, reinforced by several hundred police, should have little difficulty in marching from Exhibition Gardens in Carlton to Parliament and back again before dispersing. Further, a few weeks ago the TBC conducted a survey of its Facebook fans. Of the 230+ users who responded, approximately 3/4 were (overwhelmingly Anglo- and mostly middle-aged) men, with half located in Victoria, and about 1/3 in NSW or QLD. Finally, while he was an enthusiastic participant in 2016’s rally and march and gave Big Ups to the TBC, unfortunately Phillip Galea remains in custody awaiting trial for terrorisms, so won’t be joining Kane and Neil on the streets on Sunday.

anti-fascists : north, south, east & west

Several new anti-fascist projects have emerged in the last few months:

Fingers xed they’ll develop a presence on the streets and online; in the meantime, you’ll find them on Facebook : Northern Suburbs Antifascists /// South East Community Action/South East Anti-Racists /// Outer-Eastern Anti-Fascists /// Westside Pest Control. See also : Jews against fascism /// Melbourne Antifascist Info.

Finally, the leftist trans-Tasman publication Fightback has published a special issue dedicated to the subjects of fascism and anti-fascism. It includes an interview with yours truly about ‘Fascism in Australia’, which you can read here.

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¡¡¡Alerta Antifascista!!! : Solidarity with Flemington estate arrestees

As previously noted, a number of people have been charged with various offences arising from the Milo Yiannopoulos counter-protest outside Melbourne Pavilion in the Melbourne suburb of Kensington in December last year. While tour organisers and venue owners (Damien Costas/Penthouse and Melbourne Pavilion/B.A. Glen Investments) can continue to enjoy the phat profits generated by having the hate merchant perform LIVE! ON-STAGE!, the local community at Flemington estate are not so fortunate: at least three young African-Australian residents are facing charges for protesting the fascist intrusion. As a result, a legal fund has been established by Solidarity & Defence in order to assist these residents:

For hours after the Milo Yiannopoulos event on December 4 last year, police protected a group of fascists yelling racial abuse at the mainly black and Muslim residents at the estate. Residents responded by joining in protests against the far-right event occurring across the road from their home.

Serious concerns exist about police conduct on the night. Police attacked protesters, before going on a rampage through the Flemington flats, chasing young people, trying to force their way into homes and attacking residents indiscriminately with batons and pepper spray late into the night. This police aggression has been widely reported and was investigated formally. It comes on the back of years of racial profiling by police in the Flemington area.

Two of these young people now face charges for participating in the protest. The third was charged for an incident a few days after the protest — he went [to] Flemington police station to complain about police conduct on the night, was stopped outside the police station, and subsequently arrested with Police alleging an assault took place.



• Costas & Penthouse are organising another tour by Nigel Farage in September;
• Costas’ former business partner, Sean Dolman, ‘last month pleaded guilty to importing a commercial quantity of methamphetamine at Geraldton, Western Australia, on December 21’ (Private Sydney: Porn king ‘shocked’ by friend’s drug arrest, Andrew Hornery, The Sydney Morning Herald, june 8, 2018);
• Costas has recently been joined by a handful of other chancers and spivs seeking to profit from the troll circuit. See : Dave Pellowe & Axiomatic Events ~versus~ Daniel Spiller & Future Now +++ (June 6, 2018).

See also : Australian Jewish Democratic Society : Statement against fascism and Milo Yiannopoulos in Kensington (December 10, 2017) /// Monday night in Flemington, Vashti Kenway, overland, December 6, 2017.

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Dave Pellowe & Axiomatic Events ~versus~ Daniel Spiller & Future Now +++

Above : Dave Pellowe (Axiomatic Events) / Daniel Spiller (Future Now Australia)

Oh dear.

Last weekend, ‘Cooks Convicts’ — in this case Neil Erikson, his loyal sidekick Ricky Turner, and a coupla bikies — paid a nocturnal visit to Dave Pellowe’s house in Queensland. According to Erikson & Co, Pellowe is the person responsible for sabotaging fellow Queensland businessman Daniel Spiller’s attempt to organise back in April a tour Down Under by infowars supplements salesman Milo Yiannopoulos. The plan, apparently, was for Yiannopoulos to join Erikson, Sky News’s Ross Cameron, and ‘Proud Boy’ Gavin McInnes to talk shite LIVE! and/or via skype in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Perth. For whatever reason, Spiller’s tour collapsed in a heap almost immediately upon his making the announcement.

In any (non-)event, Pellowe, trading as ‘Axiomatic Events’, has recently decided to join others, like Spiller and Damien Costas (the publisher of Penthouse and sponsor of Milo Yiannopoulos’s December 2017 tour), in seeking to profit from the international troll circuit. As Richard Cooke writes (Australia’s welcome mat for right-wing trolls, The Saturday Paper, October 21-27, 2017): ‘In so many ways, Milo Yiannopoulos is unremarkable. He is just one of a long line of conservative grifters making hay in Australia.’

In 1943, a time when the devil had the best poems, if not the best tunes, George Orwell could write: “By and large the best writers of our time have been reactionary in tendency.” Sadly, the West just can’t field the calibre of fascist it once did. He was talking about W. B. Yeats, and could have also called upon Ezra Pound, Louis-Ferdinand Céline and Knut Hamsun from the far right. After that lot, Milo Yiannopoulos feels like a real climb-down.

A right-wing troll and professional attention seeker who scores novelty points for being gay, Milo was fast on his way to assisted career suicide in the rest of the world, dumped by his publisher and even his own website. But here he swung interviews on morning TV and FM radio to promote a series of Australian appearances later in the year, following a hallowed local tradition of taking the world’s worst commentators seriously. Elsewhere these people barely qualify as hecklers; here, they’re ushered onto centrestage.

The Melbourne leg of Milo’s tour (at Melbourne Pavilion in Kensington) witnessed clashes, and on Friday, June 8, ‘Cooks Convicts’ members Erikson, Turner, one of Erikson’s old neo-Nazi comrades, Richard Whelan, Garry Hume, and ‘Soldier of Odin’ Garry Mattson are to face Melbourne Magistrates’ Court, charged with a variety of offences, including assault. Erikson’s last adventure in court took place early last month, when he was given a slap on the wrist for contempt of court. The judge in that case (Toll Transport Pty Ltd & Ors v Erikson (No.3) [2018] FCCA 1120 (11 May 2018)) observed that:

Mr Erikson has not provided any expression of genuine contrition. In fact, having observed Mr Erikson’s conduct over a number of proceedings, I have formed the view that he is indifferent to the seriousness of his contempt. The evidence that Mr Erikson has given in these proceedings has been inconsistent, implausible and lacks credibility. I observed in the Contempt Decision that it was likely that when it suits him, Mr Erikson has a tenuous relationship with the truth.

Similar observations were made by another judge when Erikson was convicted of stalking and harassing a local rabbi:

Magistrate Donna Bakos said she had no doubt Erikson’s calls were motivated by prejudice and found he had little remorse for his crime. But she ignored prosecution pleas to jail Erikson, sentencing him instead to psychological assessment and treatment in the community. “There is no other explanation except that they were motivated by prejudice, if not hatred, toward the victim because of his race,” she told Erikson.

Erikson himself expressed the same to me:

Note that the expedition to David Pellowe’s home in Queensland by ‘Cooks Convicts’ was preceded by the disruption of a church service in Gosford (which scared some old people outta their wits) and a visit to the home of Catherine Deveny in Melbourne. In both cases it appears that the cooked units escaped without penalty.

Speaking of cooked units, several former United Patriots Front flunkeys have had to goto jail recently. Thus in addition to the murder convictions of Aryan Nations members Robert (Wayne) Edhouse and Melony (Jayne) Attwood/Taylor in Perth, in Canberra UPF fanboy Nathan Davidson was last month sentenced to six years and nine months (with a non-parole period of three years and eight months) for drug offences (Dealer sentenced over massive Civic drug bust, Alexandra Back, The Canberra Times, May 26, 2018). Oddly, another report on the sentencing (Canberra man jailed after drugs, cash found in kitchen appliances, Elizabeth Byrne, ABC, May 26, 2018) includes the following:

Davidson also admitted to the court he once had links to far right groups and has tattoos including a German eagle. But he said he was no longer affiliated, partly because his drug-taking and dealing behaviour was at odds with their beliefs. “I was an embarrassment to them,” he said.

In which context, two things: 1) Davidson’s tattoos include not only a ‘German eagle’ (lol) but the words ‘Aryan’ on one arm and ‘1488’ on the other; 2) UPF fuehrer Blair Cottrell, now busy building a neo-Nazi cadre called ‘The Lads Society’, also has criminal convictions for abusing steroids. As a general rule, then, neo-Nazi criminals are only an ’embarrassment’ to the far right if they get caught.


• Speaking of tours, Axiomatic Events/Dave Pellowe is also touring Marijke Rancie, AKA ‘Political Posting Mumma’; she’ll be appearing at Mt Gravatt Bowls Club in Queensland on June 21. Rancie gained some notoriety for fronting an anti-‘Safe Schools’ campaign last year. A Tory who was employed in December last year as an electorate officer for Mount Waverley MP, Michael Gidley, Rancie is also part of a wave of fun-da-mentalist Christians currently attempting to seize control of the Tories in Victoria (see : The religious minority seizing power in the Liberal Party, Ben Schneiders & Farrah Tomazin, The Age, June 3, 2018).

• Recently, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (‘Tommy Robinson’) went to jail, after trying — but failing — to sabotage a rape trial in the UK. See : What on earth happened to poor Tommy Robinson? 10 Things You Should Know., thesecretbarrister, May 28, 2018. Naturally, this made his fans in the UK, Australia and elsewhere very unhappy. In response, Avi Yeminem and the Australian Liberty Alliance organised a picket outside the British consulate in Melbourne on May 28, and will be gathering again outside the consulate in Melbourne and elsewhere in the country this weekend (June 9/10).

• Meanwhile, in Russia, Putin’s gangsta state has (again) declared war on anarchists and antifascists, on this occasion attempting to frame a number as belonging to a fictional terrorist network called, imaginatively enough, ‘The Network’. See : The Network: Russia’s Odd, Brutal, and Maybe Invented Pre-World Cup Terrorism Case, Joshua Yaffa, New Yorker, June 3, 2018. See also : avtonom.

• Speaking of anTEEfa, check Northern Suburbs Antifascists; for the western ‘burbs, contact westsideantifa[at]protonmail[dot]com.

• Finally, some items of interest from the US:

Stabbed at a neo-Nazi rally, called a criminal: how police targeted a black activist, Sam Levin, The Guardian, May 25, 2018;
A Member Of The Far-Right Proud Boys Menaced A Twitter User On His Doorstep, Andy Campbell, Huffington Post, May 26, 2018;
After Charlottesville: how a slew of lawsuits pin down the far right, David Smith, The Guardian, May 29, 2018;
The Daily Caller exposed for publishing prolific antisemite; still employs editor with white nationalist ties, Hatewatch, Southern Poverty Law Centre, May 29, 2018 (starring David Hilton/Moses Apostaticus);
How the resurgence of white supremacy in the US sparked a war over free speech, Alex Blasdel, The Guardian, May 31, 2018;
Trump’s Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An (Ousted) WWE Exec, Luke O’Brien, Huffington Post, June 2, 2018;
Islamophobia Inc., Al Jazeera, May 14, 2018:

Across the United States, there has been a growth in organizations that portray Islam as a threat.

Over two years, the number of groups that make up what’s become known as the Islamophobia industry has more than tripled.

This investigation reveals the tactics these groups use to instigate a fear of Islam, including how they manipulate social media to create a false narrative that Muslims are trying to take over the country.

Anti-Muslim messages proliferate social media with bought-in followers, fake accounts and robotic amplifiers.

The investigation also shows how these organizations try to suppress the rise of a Muslim political voice in America. It uncovers the “dark money” that has fuelled the rapid growth of Islamophobia Inc. – tens of millions of dollars which is funnelled through secretive, anonymous donor funds.

We unveil the donors of the dark money and ask; what do they ultimately hope to achieve?

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Dave Pellowe Presents : Stefan Molyneux & Lauren Southern Live : Australian Tour, July 2018

Racist Internet celebrities Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern are touring Australia in July. According to tour promoters ‘Axiomatic Events’:

Axiomatic is proud to bring Alt Media commentators and conservative activists STEFAN MOLYNEUX & LAUREN SOUTHERN to Australia and New Zealand in 2018 for a free speech evening of stories, opinions, inspiration and Q&A … Stefan Molyneux is the host of Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy show in the world, with half a billion views, downloads and book sales … Lauren Southern is a Canadian journalist, political activist, documentary filmmaker and best selling author.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC):

A libertarian internet commentator and alleged cult leader who amplifies “scientific racism,” eugenics and white supremacism to a massive new audience, Stefan Molyneux operates within the racist so-called “alt-right” and pro-Trump ranks.

Of Lauren Southern, the SPLC writes (‘Lauren Southern: The alt-right’s Canadian dog whistler’, Hatewatch, November 17,2017):

Her anti-feminist, xenophobic, Islamophobic diatribes tiptoe at the precipice of outright white nationalism, while she coyly smiles at her viewers in a video on her YouTube channel alongside a graphic reading “I AM NOT A NAZI!”

… Like the Proud Boys, Southern claims to reject racism while embracing the supposedly palatable elements of the so-called “alt-light,” offering observations like “Black people are convinced by the media that they’re living in a system where everything white people do is trying to oppress them,” as she told a Vice reporter early this year.

Southern is a one-time Libertarian candidate for Canadian Parliament and former writer for Canada’s alt-right media hub, The Rebel, and a self-published author, who’s glommed on to the extremist right scene in her home country’s southern neighbor and found internet fame and controversy while becoming the movement’s white, blonde goddess of the moment (since Taylor Swift never returned the neo-Nazis’ affections).

In March, Southern was denied entry to the UK ‘after she admitted distributing “racist material” in London earlier this year. Southern also bragged that she had lied to a security agent’ (Far-Right Erupts As ‘Alt-Lite’ Activists Prevented From Entering UK, Jared Holt, Right Wing Watch, March 12, 2018). Happily enough, her campaigning activity on behalf of white farmers in South Africa and attempts to keep refugees from Africa and the Middle East outta Europe, on the other hand, would no doubt meet with the approval of the Australian government, so s’all good (see : Far-right activists are teaming up with white supremacists to exploit South African politics, Nina Mast, Media Matters America, March 6, 2018 | Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern are not “conservative” activists or “journalists”, Hope Not Hate, March 13, 2018).

See also : Controversial speaker banned from UK to tour NZ, Australia, New Zealand Herald, June 1, 2018 | Lauren Southern might be too controversial for alt-right media but she’s allowed to tour in Australia, Kate Wagner, Cosmopolitan, May 28, 2018.

As noted, the tour is being organised by ‘Axiomatic Events’, a new project behind which sits Queensland businessman and Media Guy (‘Hunni Promotional Media’) Dave Pellowe. A concerned Christian citizen, Pellowe, both via his now-deleted blog ‘The Philtheist’ and still-extant Twitter accounts (Dave Pellowe and VozMayoria/Voice of the Majority), expresses fairly conventional ‘AltLite’ views: he’s pro-Christian and anti-Muslim; pro-Trump and anti-abortion; a climate change denialist and a friend of the corporate sector. He’s also a former candidate for the Family First Party, running for the seat of Logan in the Queensland state election in 2015 (when he scored 1,098 votes or 4.1%) and for a Senate seat in the 2016 Australian federal election (collectively, FFP candidates received 52,453 votes or 1.93%).

See youse there!

See also : Conservative Forum 2018 /// Future Now & Steve Irwin Predicted Apex (April 3, 2018) | Police Arrest and Charge Four Right-Wing MILO Supporters With Assault in Melbourne (January 4, 2018).

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Arcadia Hotel : ‘South Yarra’s Favourite Pub’ (For Bigots)



The Arcadia Hotel in South Yarra is tonight hosting a fund-raising event organised by local dingbat Avi Yemini and his micro-party, the ‘Australian Liberty Alliance’. You may remember Avi from his failed attempt to bring Pauline Hanson to Caulfield, or perhaps his numerous dalliances with fascism and the far right as documented, for example, by the Australian Jewish Democratic Society///jews against fascism. His keenest supporter, and sometime bodyguard, at such events is Daniel Jones (‘Francis Castiglione’: below), who himself is a budding vigilante with a particular fear and loathing of African youth …

See also : 6+ Times Avi Yemini consorted with Neo-Nazis, AJDS, June 1, 2018.


The event went ahead, despite some calls for the pub to reconsider. Such attempts were doomed from the start, however, as the proprietor, Ken Nicholls (below, with Dutch politician Geert Wilders, October 2015), is in fact an ally of the ALA and The Q Society, the venue having been used on several previous occasions to host events organised by Q and ALA, and Nicholls himself forming an important part of their political and social network.


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antifa notes (may 21, 2018) : anti-semites goto church in gosford /// bigly league politics


‘Cooks Convicts’ ~versus~ Jesus Christ

L to R : Neil Erikson; Paul Exley; Rino ‘Bluebeard’ Grgurovic; Danny Peanna/Parkinson.

‘Cooks Convicts’ — on this occasion, being repped by Neil Erikson, Paul Exley, Rino ‘Bluebeard’ Grgurovic, Danny Peanna/Parkinson and Lachlan/Logan Spalding — disrupted the 6pm service at Gosford Anglican Church on Saturday night. Dressed as Jesus(?!), the convicted anti-Semite and racist Erikson talked shit thru a megaphone while the priest, Father Rod Bower, asked them to leave and to stop harassing the dozen or so old people who’d joined him in prayer. Exley and Peanna/Parkinson were members of the now-defunct micro-Party for Freedom (PfF), which in August 2016 staged a similar disruption. On that occasion, Exley and Peanna/Parkinson were also present. (See : Anti-Islam group ‘Party for Freedom’ disrupts Sunday service in ‘racist stunt’ at Gosford’s Anglican church, Danuta Kozaki, ABC, August 2016.) Note that the PfF has recently completely fallen apart, and the remnants — including Nick Folkes, Toby Cook and Matt Lowe — have gone ‘full nazi’. Also: oddly, ex-PfFer George Jameson didn’t take part in Erikson’s latest stunt but was in Melbourne, where he joined Avi Yeminem and a tiny clutch of ‘Australian Liberty Alliance’ members in a counter-rally the ALA organised in response to a Palestinian solidarity rally outside the State Library. As for Erikson, on May 11 he got another slap on the wrist for contempt of court. See : Neil Erikson, who ambushed Sam Dastyari on video, avoids jail for contempt of court, James Oaten, ABC, May 11, 2018.

See also : The priest whose blunt billboards have gone global, Frances Mao, BBC, May 19, 2018 /// Right-Wing “Terrorists” Interrupted An Evening Mass To Scare And Intimidate Church Goers, Brad Esposito, Buzzfeed, May 21, 2018 /// “Neo Nazis” Allegedly Intimidate Gosford Church, Triple M, May 21, 2018.

BIGLY League Politics

Huh. That was weird. On Friday, I received a message from some body called Pete D’Abrosca, who asked ‘Whatever happened to the old Melbourne Antifa page that caimed [sic] the Vegas shooting?’, to which I replied ‘I assume it got deleted.’

Pete D’Abrosca: ‘Is there a way to know for sure that it was a hoax? Or do I have [to] trust “real antifa” and Snopes?’
slackbastard: ‘Well I reckon it was a hoax. And I should prolly know.’
Pete D’Abrosca: ‘How?’
slackbastard: ‘For a no of reasons: I live in Melbourne; I’ve been participating in anti-fascist activism for years; I know other anti-fascists in Melbourne; I read it; like other fake pages, it was a garbagefire; it appeared along w a slew of other such pages.’

This was apparently sufficient for D’Abrosca to pen an article for a nü right-wing site called ‘Big League Politics’. Titled ‘FACT CHECK: Did Snopes Source an Anonymous Blogger to Challenge the Veracity of an Established News Source?’ (May 17, 2018), D’Abrosca writes:

Mr. slackbastard gave a number of reasons why we should believe him and Snopes’ version of the events.

He lives in Melbourne. (Obviously he knows everyone in Melbourne).
He’s been “participating in anti-fascist activism for years.” (One can only imagine the amount of brain damage caused by such activity, which actually tends to discredit his claims further).
He “knows other anti-fascists in Melbourne.”
Finally, the page was a “garbagefire.” (Garbage fire spelled as one word).

LOL. In any event:

• I pegged the ‘Melbourne Antifa’ Facebook page as an exercise in trollery six months prior to when The Daily Mail‘s Stephen Johnson used it as the basis of a fraudulent claim;
• ABC-TV’s ‘Media Watch’ program examined the avalanche of fake news generated by the Las Vegas shooting, including the idiot claim inre ‘Melbourne Antifa’, in the episode broadcast on October 9, 2017;
• There’s good reason The Daily Mail has been tagged as ‘unreliable’ by Wikipedia.

On ‘Big League Politics’, see : Roy Moore Consultants’ New Project: A Conspiracy-Theorizing Pro-Trump News Site, Lachlan Markay, The Daily Beast, February 28, 2017 (”Big League Politics’ editor in chief has called Alex Jones ‘my Walter Cronkite.’ Its new owners think the site is the future of journalism.’). See also : Did ‘Melbourne Antifa’ Claim Responsibility for the Vegas Massacre?, Kim LaCapria, Snopes, October 4, 2017 /// Hoaxes, fake news about the Las Vegas massacre, Louis Jacobson, Emily Tanaka, Miriam Valverde, Politifact, October 2, 2017 /// No Evidence Linking Vegas Shooter to Antifa, Saranac Hale Spencer, FactCheck, October 5, 2017. On Stephen Paddock, see : New documents suggest Las Vegas shooter was conspiracy theorist – what we know, Jason Wilson, The Guardian, May 19, 2018.

Antipodean Resistance

The local Hitler Yoof done a coupla banner drops over the Eastern Freeway today. More on them laters …

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antifa notes (may 9, 2018) : aryan nations, murder, right wing resistance, muzak

[Update (May 13) : Yeah nah — Hellraiser IX (see below) has been cancelled — or at least, is no longer taking place at The Last Chance; ‘BANNED BY ANTIFA’ according to the nazi wankers from Woodend. Talk about melodrama … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Update (May 10) : It appears as though Hellraiser IX will no longer be taking place at The Last Chance as the venue has removed the gig from its Facebook page.]


Ordinary Mums & Dads

Yesterday, Perth couple Robert Wayne Edhouse, 22, and Melony Jane/Jayne Attwood (Taylor), 37, were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder in April 2016 of Alan Taylor, 42. Edhouse and Attwood were members of neo-Nazi grouplet ‘Aryan Nations’. The pair also played host to their comrades in the now-defunct ‘United Patriots Front’ when they travelled from Melbourne to Perth to attend the ‘Reclaim Australia’ rally in November 2015. UPF fuehrer Blair Cottrell took the opportunity to announce the launch of the UPF’s stillborn political party, ‘Fortitude’, at his comrades’ house — which only five months later was the site of the grisly murder.

See : Neo-Nazi Aryan Nations lovers Robert Edhouse and Melony Attwood jailed for murder, Joanna Menagh, ABC, May 8, 2018 | Neo-Nazi killers to serve life terms over Perth dad’s murder, Phil Hickey, The Sydney Morning Herald, May 8, 2018 | Neo-Nazi lovers given life sentences for brutal murder, Tim Clarke, PerthNow, May 8, 2018.

Note that the ‘Aryan Nations’ in Perth re-badged themselves as ‘Combat 18’ following the arrest of Edhouse, while the UPF is now organising around ‘The Lads Society’ in Cheltenham, a project which also incorporates members of neo-Nazi grouplet ‘Antipodean Resistance’.

Patriotik Yoof Down Under

Speaking of Aussie Pride, the little nazis of Antipodean Resistance (AR) have been profiled by Julie Nathan for the ABC’s Religion & Ethics blog. See : Antipodean Resistance: The Rise and Goals of Australia’s New Nazis, April 20, 2018. (Versions of the article have also appeared on the Times of Israel and Executive Council of Australian Jewry website.)

On April 21, the Sydney Criminal Lawyers website also published ‘The Rise of Australian Neo-Nazis: An Interview with Online Activist Slackbastard’ by Paul Gregoire, which discusses AR in the context of a broader discussion of fascism and the far right Down Under.

Right Wing Resistance & Ethan Tilling

Last week, Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Suzanne Dredge, and Michael Workman of ABC Investigations dropped ‘From Neo-Nazi to militant: The foreign fighters in Ukraine who Australia’s laws won’t stop’:

When Australian former Neo-Nazi and registered gun owner Ethan Tilling flew into Brisbane this year, he was returning under the radar of Australian authorities with newfound combat experience from a brutal and forgotten war.

Mr Tilling, who was until recently a member of the Nazi group Right Wing Resistance, had spent the Australian spring in the bitter cold of Eastern Ukraine firing Kalashnikovs, rocket launchers and grenades at Russian-backed separatists …

Go Ethan!

Members of RWRAU were in attendance at last year’s ‘True Blue Crew’ flagwit parade, which will be regurgitating racism and fascism onto Melbourne’s streets again this year; in response, the Campaign Against Racism & Fascism has organised an event titled ‘Unite to Stop The Far Right’ (Sunday, June 24). Note that in September 2016 another RWRAU hero, Ricky White, was arrested for allegedly setting fire to a church in Taree, NSW (but I dunno what the outcome was).

See also : Extremists in the Military A Longstanding Problem, Booth Gunter, SPLC, November 11, 2012.

National Socialist muzak

Neo-Nazis in the local metal scene have organised a gig at The Last Chance Reich Rock ‘n’ Roll Bar on Saturday, June 9. Dubbed ‘Hellraiser IX’, the gig is being hosted by ‘Australibus Tenebris’ and features the glittering talents of Vrag (TAS), Belligerent Intent, Goatblood and Molog.

Above (L to R) : Joey Edwards, Neil Erikson, Dan Newman, Richard Whelan, Gareth/Jack Sansom @ State Library of Victoria, September 2012.

For those of you coming in late, the Hellraisers were originally organised by Nazi-in-Vrag Gareth Jack Sansom, under the auspices of ‘White Noise Productions’. As WNP, Sansom organised various gigs around town, including ‘Hellraiser IV’ at The Tote in December 2011 (the last time I paid attention), and released albums by ‘Perseverance’, among others, in 2011 and 2013, while Sansom also established ‘War Doctrine’ in order to release neo-Nazi muzak by his own band Waffenbrüder (2010–2014) and a handful of others. After publishing a White Nationalist manifesto (A Reckoning Force, 2012), Sansom buggered off to Tasmania, where he continues to make muzak and propaganda and to organise with his neo-Nazi chums.

Responsibility for Raising Hell now belongs to UPF fanboy Luke Nukem of ‘Australibus Tenebris’ (AT, 2013–):

In addition to the usual Blackness, the label distros a range of exciting products, including a 7″ co-released with NSBM label ‘Darker Than Black Records’:

One of the most notorious of the early NSBM bands were Germany’s Absurd, who collectively lured 15-year old Sandro Beyer to his murder in 1993. Led by Hendrik Möbus, the Beyer killing was allegedly motivated by Beyer spreading rumors about the band, including the salient gossip that Möbus had been carrying on an affair with a married woman. While the murder itself was not deemed political in nature, Möbus has always been vocal in his neo-Nazism, having violated his probation shortly out of prison by performing the Nazi salute in concert, and the man currently operates a self-described NSBM record label called Darker Than Black.

The 7″ by WewelSSburg and AT’s Rattenkönig is just one of many similar releases on AT, and if the booker at The Last Chance knew how to use a search engine and/or was familiar with the genre, they’d find much more neo-Nazi nonsense associated with the above artistes and their various projekts.


See also : Deströyer 666 Australian Tour (November 2016) (October 13, 2016) | NB. Vomitor (May 29, 2012) | A Brief History Of Neo-Nazi Music In Australia (December 2, 2010).

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Art, Broken Windows, Collingwood, Death, History, Media, Music, State / Politics, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments