The Adani coalmine and the Great Barrier Reef

Back-to-back coral bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef has left scientists in a state of despair.“I don’t really know what else the reef needs to do to signify that it’s in serious trouble.”

And a vast new coalmine planned nearby is set to contribute to the warming that makes those bleaching events more common.

Cartoon: fate of the Great Barrier Reef

“It’s either Adani or the Great Barrier Reef. Are we willing to fight for a wonder of the world?”

Cartoon: Adani wheel of fortune

(The Canberra Times, 12 April 2017 | Gallery of most recent cartoons)

All aboard the Omnibus

The government is making hard work of getting its childcare package through Parliament, having stuffed it into an Omnishambles Omnibus Bill that contains various “zombie measures” from the 2014 Federal Budget that the government refuses to let die.

Cartoon: the Omnibus childcare/welfare cuts Bill

Blackmailing the Senate to get onboard, with threats to NDIS funding, seems to have backfired.

Cartoon: the Australian Political Football League

(The Canberra Times, 11 and 16 February 2017 | Gallery of most recent cartoons)