
Settler tourists given weekly armed escort through the streets of Al Khalil

Every Saturday, Zionist settler tours take place in the narrow alleys of the souq in Al Khalil’s (Hebron). These guided tours usually last for about ...

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A recollection of Dima al-Wawi’s imprisonment and a remembrance of Hamza Zamara

18th March 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, al Khalil team | Occupied Palestine Two years ago Dima al-Wawi woke up for school feeling sick. Her ...

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The Battle Ground of the South Hebron Hills

28th December 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | al-Khalil, Hebron, occupied Palestine The South Hebron Hills is one of the battle zones against ...

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Outside the school, inside al Khalil

19th December 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | al-Khalil, occupied Palestine Most of us are plenty used to absent minded scrolling our Facebook ...

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Press Releases

In the Media

Action Alerts


Jewish Israeli activists call for Palestinian right of return, hang portraits of protesters murdered in Gaza on Apartheid Wall

First published by Mondoweiss The following press release was sent to Mondoweiss regarding two actions in support of the right of return that were taken ...

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Six year anniversary of the death of Vittorio Arrigoni

16th April 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Gaza, occupied Palestine Today marks the 6th anniversary of the death of Vittorio Arrigoni, a ...

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16th October Group helds a seminar about the judaization of Jerusalem

3rd March 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza team | Gaza, occupied 16th October Group (the foreign Media Unit in Athorayya association for Media ) ...

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Awareness campaign to boycotting the Israeli occupation

23rd February 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza team | Gaza, occupied Palestine The Boycott campaign-Palestine PCB organized an awareness campaign for some Schools in ...

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