New Left Review I/7, January-February 1961

Henry Collins

Socialism and Affluence

harry hanson’s arguments (“Socialism And Affluence”, NLR 5) are remarkably like those of Tony Gosland in the October issue of Encounter, though his conclusions are quite different. Unfortunately, while Crosland’s conclusions follow logically from his analysis, Hanson’s are so loosely attached to the body of his argument that they fall off at the slightest shake. He wants the Left to follow the sad example of the ILP, which disaffiliated from the Labour Party in 1932 and has hardly been heard from since. What is more, if his economic analysis is right, the prospects for a breakaway socialist party in the 1960s must be a good deal worse than they were in 1932, at the depth of a shattering world economic crisis.

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Henry Collins, ‘Socialism and Affluence’, NLR I/7: £3

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