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Photos par Chick Publications - Chick Tracts

Praise God! The new tract is out:

"Who's It Gonna Be?"
Why would a loving God allow bad things to happen?
What would YOU do, if YOU were God?

God bless you all! - David W Daniels
English: Plus

— Produits présentés : Who's It Gonna Be?

Vlog 235: Does the NIV show Jesus as God on earth? Or not? Part of the March 10, 2018 "Jesus and Tim in Las Vegas" radio show, KKVV AM Las Vegas. God bless you all! - David W. Daniels

For more information on myPlus books mentioned, see

For more of Tim's radio programs, see his channel at:

— Produits présentés : Is the "World's Oldest Bible" a Fake?

Praise God! Now it's available on iBooks!
God bless you all! - David

Is The World's Oldest Bible a Fake? by David W. Daniels on iBooks

Read a free sample or buy Is The World's Oldest Bible a Fake? by David W. Daniels. You can read this book with iBooks on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac.

Is The "World's Oldest Bible" A Fake? - Books on Google Play

Modern research techniques have revealed a hidden scheme aimed at God's Holy Words...Modern Bibles have changed many verses because of the discovery of an "ancient" manuscript in a monastery on the Sinai Peninsula.The manuscript, called Sinaiticus, is claimed to be the earliest complete copy of the�...

"Is the 'World's Oldest Bible' a Fake?" is now available on Kindle!
God bless you all! - David

Is The "World's Oldest Bible" A Fake?

Modern research techniques have revealed a hidden scheme aimed at God's Holy Words...Modern Bibles have changed many verses because of the discovery of an "ancient" manuscript in a monastery on the Sinai Peninsula.The manuscript, called Sinaiticus, is claimed to be the earliest complete...

Bless God! Vlog 230 is up!:The story Jack Chick told
about Fred Carter's 1976 painting
of the woman who died.
God bless you all! - David W. Daniels

The lithograph of the paintingPlus is available here:

How could they teach that?!

When I attended Fuller Seminary, I was shocked at some of the things the professors taught us about the Bible. I expected that these professors would build my faith in God's word.Plus What I heard was the exact opposite!

Take a look at some of the wild stories these professors taught us students. And remember, this was the 1980s, so some of us students are pastors and church leaders today.

Happy 93rd Birthday to Jack!
He's in heaven, but we are continuing his legacy on earth. Part of that is striving for excellence. Jack always insisted that what we do for the Lord must be the very best. A fewPlus days ago our first printing of the new tract, ADOPTED (coming May 1st), had some quality problems and a typo. Jack would never have approved. We scrapped tens of thousands of copies, corrected the masters and reprinted them. We want to please God, and to give you the highest quality we can.
View the tract ADOPTED here: God bless you all! - David W. Daniels

Vlog 208: See what it was like for Jack and me to create a comic book. Actual footage! God bless you all! – David W. Daniels

You Don’t Know Jack Playlist: Plus

Bless the Lord!
For those of you who are interested, Tim Berends (a long-time friend of Jack) interviewed me about my book, You Don't Know Jack [], on Saturday, April 8, on

It is available online at
God bless you all!
[Photo: Pilot Mike, me, Jack Chick and Tim Berends in front of Chick Publications, April 2006.]

— Produits présentés : You Don't Know Jack: The Authorized Biography of Christian Cartoonist Jack T. Ch.

Coming May 1st - my first new tract without Jack.
I read it to him last year and he loved it. Brother Fred Carter is my tract illustrator now. We work very closely together. I hope it touches you guys like itPlus did our staff here.
UPDATE: View the tract ADOPTED here:

God bless you all! - David W. Daniels

It's not about politics. It's about precious souls. I'm filling my pockets with tracts. Please pray as I hand them out. God bless you all! - David

See them for yourself:

Camel's in the Tent

March 2017 Chick News:
New Tracts:
Almost Time
In English:
In Spanish: Plus

(The same story as "Soul Survivor," redrawn with black characters)
In English:

New Book!
You Don't Know Jack: The Authorized Biography of Christian Cartoonist Jack T. Chick, by David W. Daniels
Price: $7.95
176 pages - paperback

Special Offer:
Get one free copy of You Don't Know Jack with any order of $40 or more!*
(*Before shipping)

Use promo code "JACK" at checkout to get your free book.
Please remember you must order at least $40 of product to qualify for the free book.

— Produits présentés : Almost Time et You Don't Know Jack: The Authorized Biography of Christian Cartoonist Jack T. Ch.

Vlog 202: Codex Sinaiticus is disappearing online. What happened? Find out! God bless you all! - David W. Daniels

See for yourself:

ThisPlus web page has all sorts of clickable links to participants in the Codex Sinaiticus Project. Contact as many as you want!

Here is how the website is supposed to work:

Contact the British Library at:
Contact the National Library of Russia here:
Contact St. Catherine's Monastery here:
Contact Leipzig University Library here: