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Battle Cry
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Can a Christian Be a Mason?

Issue Date: July/August 2006

Is it possible to be both a Christian and a Mason at the same time? Several years ago this writer (not William Schnoebelen) witnessed an odd mixture at a funeral of a relative. This uncle had been a Mason for many years but later in life he had started attending a small neighborhood Baptist church.

At his funeral, the Baptist pastor was given the first part of the service. His message was full of the hope which we have in Christ and he challenged the family with the requirements of God's Word and to be encouraged by the promise of eternal life.

When he finished, the uncle's lodge leaders were given the rest of the service. The leader ambled to the podium, flanked by fellow members, all wearing little, white aprons. As he began to mumble some sort of recitation, it was immediately obvious that he was drunk. The Sonshine of the pastor's message was quickly replaced by a depressive mood of dead ritual.

As with any liturgical exercise, the family was left with little spiritual sustenance for the wasted time. But what a contrast of life and death: The eternal hope of the gospel compared to the pagan ramblings of the spiritually dead. For even the casual observer, it was clear that the two religions were in sharp and incompatible contrast.

Is Masonry a religion? Former Mason, William Schnoebelen, author of Masonry, Beyond the Light, quotes from two high-level masons, Albert Pike and Albert Mackey. Pike states: "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion and its teachings are instructions in religion." Mackey removes all doubt for the Bible believer: "The religion of Masonry is not Christianity."

For my uncle, Masonry was no help for the family at death. And in life its practice seems only to blunt the Christian's witness. Even after he started attending the Baptist church, I saw no fruitful witness.

Two other friends come to mind. One was a "pillar" in a Southern Baptist church. His Masonic ring and Masonic Bible were prominently displayed. But when the conversation wandered into spiritual things, he would soon divert the subject.

The other was a salesman who called where I work. He came in joyous one day, radiant with a new-found faith in Christ. On a later visit, he mentioned how he had joined the Masons. We watched his zeal for Christ fade over the next few months as his enthusiasm for Masonry increased.

The Christian who is involved in Masonry must ask himself: "Can I obey the great commission while in a temple meeting? What will happen to me if I begin to witness to fellow Masons?

The reality is: Masonry is a false substitute for genuine Christian fellowship. Men, hungry to be part of something bigger than themselves, often do not find it in the church. Satan has many subtile substitutes for those who are not careful to avoid his deceptions.

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