
Against the Logic of Submission Audio book - Audio Anarchy

An audio book of Wolfi Landstreicher's essay Against the Logic of Submission. Created by the group Audio Anarchy.

Against the Logic of Submission - Wolfi Landstreicher

A series of essays investigating the role of social relationships.

A Brighton tenant successfully organises to beat deposit theft

Housing Union in Brighton, UK successfully organised with a tenant who was facing a £510 deduction to her deposit. The amount was repaid in full after a roughly three week campaign. Below, the tenant explains the situation she was in, as well as her experience of the campaign and the affect it had on her.

HIC NIHIL, HIC SALTA! (a critique of Bartlebyism)

A critique of the nihilist turn in communist and anarchist thought, from Research & Destroy.

Appendix: original J18 proposal and flyers

An appendix to the "Reflections on J18" collection, containing the texts of the original J18 proposal and the leaflets, referred to in some of the discussion papers.

June 18th - a personal view

A contribution to the "Reflections on J18" collection.

Poor Substitute

A contribution to the "Reflections on J18" collection, originally from an article in Freedom newspaper.

Our resistance is as transnational as capitalism

A contribution to the "Reflections on J18" collection, made up of extracts from an article originally printed in Do or Die! #8

Not just capitalism or globalisation

A contribution to the "Reflections on J18" collection.