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Cutscene and promo artist for "Viscerafest" developed by Acid Man Games. Coming to Steam: June 2012

MadRazz’s Tweets

I remember seeing this some years ago and it truly blew my mind. It makes so much sense everything moves in a spiral motion like that.
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How the solar system travels through the galaxy!
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If I could just finish at least 1 project I started, I could die happy. That is, my realistic Pokémon comic. The hiatus is a tragedy at this point.
Now I don't feel bloated, I feel swollen, because of lovely female hormones and I ate too much chocolate this week :p Oh well, once I eat everything, my access will be gone, so... that's how I do it, lol. Eat till you're sick or till it's gone to break the streak XD
Us: "How did you pick up those 10 ton stone blocks?" Ancients: "Pick them up? lol. You crazy? You just levitate them." Us: "What kind of alien tech did you use for that?" Ancient: "You serious? You use sound. You know, vibrations, the stuff the universe is made of?"
OMG! I played the #Carrion DLC and the ending is fantastic!! Very The Thing! Extremely The Thing, in fact. Just like Dead Space 3, if you play this game, you MUST end with the DLC! If you like "mankind loses" endings, both are perfect!
You know that half glazed-over look in a baby's eyes that indicates they're not fully self-aware yet? I see that in adults sometimes, mostly on the internet :p
Guess I'm playing board games 2 days in a row :p I really love the Aliens one. It's almost a horde shooter. Then trying the Star Wars one. Just pure nostalgia for us too.
My sister has a LOTR boardgame and my brother has an Aliens and Star Wars board game and they're honestly fantastic. I never know how it's gonna handle it, but it's always really well thought out. Plus a little roleplay with hilarious movie quotes :)
I'm trying really hard to enjoy some gaming this holiday and not waste my time, but I just can't manage to feel it like I used to :/ I don't understand. Haven't even drawn anything. It's like I've spent up all my motivation over the years and now it's just gone.
Guys... you brain CANNOT be trusted under any circumstances. It's merely guessing what's happening outside you body through limited input. Don't believe it! Great experiment though.
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When brain gets hacked! Science is fun 🤩
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Without downloading any new pics, what’s your energy going into 2023?
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Without downloading any new pics, what’s your energy going into 2023?…
Youtube video: "3000-year-old bible reveals the truth about Jesus..." Me: "Uhm, I'm no expert on religion, but I'm pretty sure Jesus lived around 2000 years ago? You know, Year 1." That said, how come Jesus' birthday is Dec 25th, 0001? Why not 01-01-01? lol.
I'm kinda impressed how he did that with 1 hand while snacking XD That pickup is an asshole though.
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He was so calm about it too lol
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Catwoman is like Ada Wong. I both respect and despise these women. They are strong and skilled, yet they are too prideful to admit their love for a "mere man". Playing as Batman or Leon, stop teasing me or leave me the fuck alone!! :p
I honestly don't wanna go to 2023. I wanna stay in this week off forever, except WITH a PS5.
Any tips on how to make a steak tender while keeping it medium-rare? It's possible I got a cheap piece of meat though. I hear you have to pound it hard.
I discovered that the purpose of a lion's mane is to protect its throat when fighting with other males. THey have it because they live in groups. Other big cats don't have it because they're solitary. Man, sometimes I miss when NatGeo was still on TV for free.
PS fanatics: "Playstation is better!" Xbox fanatics: "Xbox is better!" Internet: "The console wars..." Me, an intellectual: "All you nerds thinking there's only 2 choices. A true individual chooses both consoles and is able to play ALL games and ALL exclusives."
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My family during Christmas dinner was like: "I see the lights everywhere, but has anyone actually FELT Christmas?" Seems like we feel it every now and then, glimpses, when a certain song comes on and stuff :/ Maybe we're just getting old.
Did you know that most animals can see UV light? Birds and insects definitely can. They see a whole lot of extra color patterns on flowers and feathers we can't see. Your cats and dogs probably can too. So if they see something that's invisible to you... just saying.