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Section of the Diego Rivera's mural "From the conquest to 1930" focusing on Marx and the class struggle

An Important Message from John Bellamy Foster

In the 1990s, high tech firms and their mainstream media boosters proclaimed that the Internet and digital technology would unleash a new era that would destroy monopolies, liberate democratic impulses, and usher in what Bill Gates called “frictionless capitalism.” From the first, Monthly Review’s assessment was different. We foresaw instead the ways that the communications revolution would generate monopoly power on a scale never seen before. | more…

“A Terrific Book”: Socialism & Democracy reviews Union Power by James Young

This is a terrific book. It deserves to be read carefully by both scholars and activists. In seven well-written chapters, James Young explores the emergence, struggles, victories and setbacks of a radical, democratic union, one that confronted powerful adversaries in the business, labor, and faith-based communities throughout the mid and late twentieth century.  | more…