Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Pertsonak Guztiak ikusi

  2. Duela 2 ordu

    As we continue our tokyo trip, i suddebly realized that how timebgoes by so fast when you are nearing the end... 😔 Tokyo is one trully great city for me 🤗

    Erakutsi haria
  3. Creators' Themes for sale. [ white land ] Everything that is in the area is a white world.

  4. Duela 3 ordu

    Masalahnya ialah ada sekitar 4 juta orang yg layak jadi pengundi umur 21 tahun ke atas yg belum mendaftar. Ini yg patut diutamakan. Mudah sahaja. Wajib terdaftar dgn sendiri jika telah 21 thn atau 18 thn. Otomatik. Wahai , , , Kabinet - selesaikan hal ini!

  5. Duela 7 ordu
  6. Duela 7 ordu

    Good morning! Today is 2018-09-20(Thu). It's 05:55:37 in Japan! --- Tweet o'clock ---

  7. Duela 13 ordu

    Good night! It's 23:55:38 in Japan! --- Tweet o'clock ---

  8. ira. 18

    Kagawa vs Club Brugge. 🇯🇵

  9. ira. 18


  10. ira. 18

    Creators' Themes for sale. [ KITTEN NEON ] Kitten and neon have coalesced. It draws in the blue light on black background.

  11. ira. 17

    This is addicting! Toyshops in japan is so amazing! Never a dull moment!!!

  12. ira. 14
    Erakutsi haria
  13. ira. 14

    熊本から花ばなを💐💐💐 夜の曼珠沙華 花火の如し🎆

  14. ira. 13
  15. ira. 13
  16. ira. 13

    All 6 remain in the Foy with the supplementary stage reopened until 1230(ish) this afternoon. Looks a belter of a race with WALDGEIST taking on yje flying cow TALISMANIC and raider CLINCHER. 2018 Leger winner CAPRI also still in!

  17. ira. 12

    Two entries for this weekend on Trials Day at ParisLongchamp G3 winner returns in the 1400m Px Du Pin and in the G2 Px Foy over 2400m. 📸:

  18. ira. 11

    🌏 | International Friendly | Asano 🇯🇵 Earlier today, Asano came on as a second half substitute vs Costa Rica. He claimed a late assist as the Blue Samurais won 3-0. Well done, ! 👏

  19. ira. 10

    Who needs Las Vegas when has ? This Friday, pack up your business cards & come to the networking event at 5.30pm at Billy G's restaurant. RSVP . Thank you & I hope this is the beginning of many successful events!

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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