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What will it take to stop arming Saudi Arabia?

Join our ally Campaign Against Arms Trade in calling on the UK government to stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia, which is using the weapons in violation of international humanitarian law in Yemen!

Help protect the Monduruku indigenous people!

"Last month, a series of police and military actions in the remote forests of Brazil's Tapajós basin struck at the foundation of a flourishing criminal gold mining network." - CoR ally Amazon Watch

It's almost time for the Congo Int'l Film Festival!

CIFF will take place in Goma, DRC, from July 7 to 15.

Way to go, Argentina!

"Human rights groups applaud Argentina’s decision to cancel Israel football match & condemn Israel's 'propaganda lies and smears' against supporters of Palestinian rights." - Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

APDP just released a Calendar of the Disappeared!

“Every page of calendar tells the story of the disappeared person. The calendar is a testimony that we haven’t forgotten them and they continue to live in the collective memory and in the memory of their dear ones,” says Immad Nazir of APDP.



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