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ICE Plans to Start Destroying Records of Immigrant Abuse, Including Sexual Assault and Deaths in Custody

White House's Far-Right Bible Study Leader Justifies Child Separation
-- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Leaked audio reveals detention center staff threatening immigrant kids over speaking to the media

Mike Ludwig | EPA Will Finally Strengthen Standards Protecting Children From Lead

Trump tax cuts raise risk of new financial crisis, CBO says

Bolton’s Top Aide Has Cozied Up to Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorists

Dems near decision on superdelegates

Another Big Boost for Hill Security Spending

Syria assault in Deraa intensifies as thousands continue to flee

Trump’s Family Detention Policy Will Cost Billions Of Dollars That ICE Doesn’t Have

Harley stunner spikes tension with Trump over trade policy

The water crisis the Trump administration didn’t want you to know about

Border Patrol Temporarily Suspends Prosecution Of Undocumented Parents

Any gag order should cover Trump, Stormy Daniels' lawyer says

80,000 people left off Maryland voter rolls

Singapore scare highlights US concern

Trump: Obama Was for "Open Borders" – Also, His Immigration Policies Were the Same As Mine
Ow. My brain.

Republicans brace for immigration failure

Donald Trump Is Growing Frustrated with the Constitution

Eat the Rich: This Is Just the Beginning

Manafort appeals jailing, civil case against Mueller

Citing Trump, woman in video calls Latino man "rapist, animal, drug dealer"

Canada Is About to Inhale the Global Pot Market. Thanks, Jeff Sessions.

#PermitPatty: White Woman Calls Police on 8-Year-Old Black Girl Selling Water, Says She Was Tired of the Noise

Burn Pits are the New Agent Orange: The Limited Circle of Concern for Pollution Victims of War

When a president attacks due process, we're all headed for trouble

Mystery Miamian tied to Trump probe had many names, foul mouth, 2 DUI busts

Dahr Jamail | Area of Global Dead Zones Doubling Every 10 Years

Donald Trump’s authoritarian power-grab: Due process is for wimps

Trump on Israel embassy move: "Evangelicals appreciate it more than the Jews"

Trump discredits his own talking points with order on North Korea

Trump officials don't get to eat dinner in peace – not while kids are in cages

Supreme Court won't take up case of florist who refused service for same-sex couple
Cakes bad, flowers OK. Got it.

Parkland Teenagers Taking On the World - and Winning
After their rousing performance at the Tonys, the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas Hight School haven’t stopped, and they have no plans to.

Trump's winning, cynical plan

Against "Civility"

Flake Confirms He’s Stalling Trump’s Judicial Nominees Over Tariffs

Trump will reunite separated families — but only if they agree to deportation

Harley-Davidson to move production for some motorcycles out of US after EU tariffs

18 Democratic attorneys general sue Trump over family separations

Trump Seeks to Loosen US Gun Sales to Other Countries
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

Trump Is Handing Us the Weapon We Need to Avert Climate Catastrophe

Supreme Court Sides With California Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers

Candice Bernd | Attorneys Rush to Protect Families as Trump Calls for Stripping Due Process

Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban In 5-4 Ruling

Judge Throws Out Historic Climate Liability Cases Brought by Oakland and San Francisco
-- Olivia Rosane of EcoWatch for BuzzFlash at Truthout

What to Watch in Tuesday’s Primaries

Who is making money from struggling U.S. malls?

Eritrea delegation arrives in Ethiopia ahead of landmark talks

Trump’s clout within GOP on the line in Tuesday elections

Looking To Grant Clemency To More Prisoners, White House Asks Advocates For Names

Supreme Court Won’t Hear Case Against North Carolina GOP’s Gerrymandering

Here’s why a trade war with China is different

First 911 calls reveal further confusion in Parkland shooting response

Why are so many of San Francisco's black mothers and babies dying?

Hope Amid Climate Chaos on the Colorado Plateau
-- Brooke Larsen and Will Munger for BuzzFlash at Truthout

There's Nothing Wrong With Treating an A--hole Like an A--hole

The Wiretap Rooms: The NSA's Hidden Spy Hubs in Eight US Cities

Suppression of Minority Voting Rights Is About to Get Way Worse Thanks to the Supreme Court

The Momentum of Trumpian Fascism Is Building: Stopping It Is Up to Us

Charles P. Pierce | This Is What You Signed Up For, Mad Dog

50 Faces, and Stories, From NYC’s LGBT Pride

Leading Immigrant Aid Group Says No Thanks to 23andMe Offer to Help Reunite Detained Families
23andMe offered the use of its genetic testing services, amid concerns that immigration officials lacked the records necessary to connect parents with their children.

National Guardsman: Immigrants Are "Lucky We Aren't Executing Them"

Why a major trade war could mean a "full-blown recession"

Street artist Banksy splashes Paris with works on migrants

Derailed Train Spills 230,000 Gallons of Crude Into Flooded Iowa River
-- Olivia Rosane of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Supreme Court largely backs Texas Republicans on drawing of electoral maps
Majority opinion says maps were not drawn with not drawn with "impermissible racial bias." Meaning permissible racial bias is OK. Wait, what?

Supreme Court sends North Carolina partisan gerrymander back to lower court

New billboard in Texas responds to sign telling liberals to leave state

Turkey's Erdogan victorious in election that grants him unprecedented power

How the Surveillance State Destroys the Lives of People of Color and Poor Whites

Trump No Longer Listens to His Defense Secretary
Trump "is now more inclined to rely on his own instincts or the advice of Pompeo and Bolton." Buy canned goods.

Where Is Obama?
How did the most ubiquitous man in America for eight years virtually disappear?

Homeless People Are Dying at an Alarming Rate Because of Climate Change

Kamala Harris on 2020 presidential bid: "I'm not ruling it out"

Pharmacist denied mother miscarriage medicine due to moral objection