Related is an American comedy-drama series that aired on The WB network during the 2005-2006 television season. It revolved around the lives of four close-knit sisters - of Italian descent, raised in Brooklyn - living in New York City.
The show was created by former Sex and the City writer Liz Tuccillo, and executive produced by Friends co-creator Marta Kauffman. Despite heavy promotion, initial ratings did not warrant the show being picked up for a second season when The WB network was folded into The CW.
The untitled Related theme song is sung by The Veronicas, whose music was regularly featured in episodes.
Moving out found some pictures of places and past times
Remember how how we got through those moments of being fools
To pass the days when passion plays i loved to dance the stage
And through our fights we changed our lives and still related in all the truth
And im, well im still related
Yeah, im still related, and everybody, has got the groove
The night crowd pays the rent now that your playing on instruments
And i don't need the car, little jon got his hands on a harp
Now were sleeping days, is the best love plays, and we face the stage
And through our fights we changed our lives and still related in all the truths
And im, well im still related
Yeah, im still related, and everybody, has got the groove
And im, well im still related
Yeah, im still related, in the crowd all around you, hey
Won't you come with me, get off your ass
And leave your ego at the door
When you can always stay out late, its a different place
Were just running away to the show, to the show, to the show, yeah
And im, well im still related
Yeah, im still related, and everybody, has got the groove
And im, well im still related
Yeah, im still related, in the crowd all around you
Still related, yeah, still realted, yeah, still related yeah
Related is an American comedy-drama series that aired on The WB network during the 2005-2006 television season. It revolved around the lives of four close-knit sisters - of Italian descent, raised in Brooklyn - living in New York City.
The show was created by former Sex and the City writer Liz Tuccillo, and executive produced by Friends co-creator Marta Kauffman. Despite heavy promotion, initial ratings did not warrant the show being picked up for a second season when The WB network was folded into The CW.
The untitled Related theme song is sung by The Veronicas, whose music was regularly featured in episodes.