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Meet other local atheists, freethinkers and heathens. Gather to discuss beliefs and philosophies, and make new friends.

Affiliated groups:
Atheist Foundation of Australia (Website | Forum | Facebook | Twitter), Perth Skeptics (Meetup | Facebook), Humanist Society of WA Inc (Meetup | Facebook), UWA Atheist & Skeptic Society (Facebook), ECU Atheist Society (Facebook), Murdoch Atheist and Agnostics Student Society (Facebook), Atheism+ Australia (Facebook)

We're 598 Atheists

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Founded Feb 3, 2008




AUD1.00 or more are welcome at anytime

This covers: Meetup charges to host this site - any donations are appreciated.

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  • PayPal
  • Cash or check

Refunds are not offered for this Meetup.

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