Essentials in Leading Simple Life

“Simple living” or simplicity is a voluntary lifestyle It is that favors values such as family and the environment over material consumption and income. It has been linked not only to improved environmental sustainability but also boosted mental and physical health. This trend has been growing increasing popular as more people...
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Lifestyle for Skin Care

Are plastics in skin care killing your healthy glow? It’s quite possible. Countless cosmetics are filled with chemicals known as “cones,” such as dimethicone or silicone. While cones aren’t the worst health offenders, they’re a nightmare for skin. They seal off pores, preventing your skin from breathing and functioning properly....
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10 Spiritual Paths By Deepak Chopra

The entire spiritual path could be described as learning to let go, but letting go all at once isn’t possible. This is a path of many small steps, a process of replacing automatic reactions with deepened awareness. Here are the guidelines along the path that have proved effective...
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Buddhist Peace Initiatives in Times of Religious Intolerance

Buddhist radicalism is on the rise in countries like Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Buddhist anti-Muslim rhetoric, violence against Muslim minorities and hate speech against UN officials are now global media sensations. Less known is the growing number of religious peace initiatives, by both Muslims and Buddhists, to address...
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Rationalism vs Empiricism

One of the problems for the traditional ‘Rationalists and Empiricists’ story of early modern philosophy is that it is surprisingly difficult to define ‘rationalism’ and ’empiricism’ appropriately (see here for a previous discussion). One traditional way of drawing the distinction, derived from Locke, is over the existence of innate ideas....
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Rationalism – Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz

Leibniz’s philosophical system The System reflects an overarching commitment to the idea that there is a rational order to the universe that can be grasped by human minds. This commitment is manifest both in his more general epistemological and metaphysical views on display in works like the Monadology and in...
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Misleading stereotypes about Jainism

Yet histories and encyclopaedias of world religions with a few exceptions fail to mention Jainism as a religion. There are pervasive misconceptions about the origin of Jainism, its relation with the Brahmanic, Vedic so-called- Hinduism, about Mahavira being the founder of Jainism, about its being an offshoot of...
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Rationalism Of Ayn Rand

  1. The crucial importance of reason. In 1957, when Atlas Shrugged was published, it was still radical to argue that the economy is moved forward by inventors and thinkers and people with ideas, rather than the brute muscle of unionized factory workers (which is basically the Marxist view). Today,...
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