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The Atheist Community of Austin

The Atheist Experience Call-In Show

The Godless Bitches Podcast

Talk Heathen Call-In Show

The Preaching Humanist TV Show

Atheism FAQ

Hosts, left to right: Co-host Denis Loubet; Host Jeff Dee; C-host Russell Glasser.

The Non-Prophets is a live internet radio show airing on the first and third Wednesday of every month, starting at 7:30 PM Central (01:30-03:00 UTC). You can listen to the show on Youtube: The recorded program is available as a podcast and downloadable from our archive. If you're enjoying the program, help get the word out to others that they can listen live or via podcast.

To contact The Non-Prophets, write to

Upcoming airings:
No shows are currently scheduled.

Austin Time


The Non-Prophets is available as a free Podcast subscription from the Apple iTunes Music Store. iTunes is a free download at, To subscribe, install iTunes and click here. Subscribers to the feed will have new episodes of The Non Prophets automatically downloaded.

Read more stuff by the show guys.


  The Non-Prophets is a production of
Atheist Community of Austin
1507 W Koenig Lane   Austin, TX 78756-1415
Voice Mail: (512) 220-6561

Copyright Atheist Community of Austin 2002-2018. All rights reserved.
"The Non-Prophets" is a trademark of the Atheist Community of Austin.