June 26, 2018

If It Can Happen in Texas...

Texas barn 
"If it could happen there, it could happen anywhere." That was the first thought I had when I saw this story in The Texas Observer about a growing secular movement in Texas politics. It would be remarkable enough if this was just some sort of tiny grassroots effort to preserve the separation of church and state in Texas, but it sounds much bigger than that. Note the reference to "a standing-room-only crowd" at Sarah Levin's presentation at the Texas Democratic Party Convention.

Unhealthy Advertising

Pizza Hut Hot Sriracha Chicken PizzaFor those of you living in the U.S., when was the last time you saw an ad on TV for cigarettes? No, I don't mean those silly vaping devices that are all the rage among hipsters today. I'm talking about good old-fashioned tobacco cigarettes. It has been awhile, hasn't it? Why do you suppose that is? Someone decided that cigarettes were bad for us and prohibited tobacco companies from running ads for them on TV.

When was the last time you saw an ad on TV for soda or fast food? Pretty much every damn time you turn on the TV, right? I haven't tested this, but it seems like every commercial break will include at least one ad for fast food or soda. After watching even a little TV, it is hard not to form the impression that a significant portion of our culture revolves around persuading people to consume things that are unhealthy for them. And then we have the nerve to complain about obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and other ailments which contribute to our rising healthcare costs.

June 24, 2018

Political Intolerance Seems to be Getting Worse

heckling will not be tolerated signAs I watch my neighbors driving to church this morning, I can't help reflecting on how there is only so much any of us can do to influence the world around us. What American atheist hasn't felt frustrated by the incredibly slow rate at which religious belief has been fading around us? No matter what we do to expose the many problems associated with religious belief, it often seems like we are making little difference. Of course, I recognize that part of the reason things feel that way to me is that I'm impatient by nature. Another important part of the reason has to do with my location. When it comes to the influence of religious belief, Mississippi is going to be one of the last places to change.

Fortunately, there is at least one very optimistic thing I can say about the state of religious belief in the U.S. that would apply even here in Mississippi: no matter how bad it is, I have little reason to think that it is getting worse. Yes, the overwhelming majority of our neighbors still believe in ancient gods. And yes, these bizarre beliefs sometimes influence their behavior in ways they shouldn't. But at least it doesn't seem to be getting worse. Not only that, but survey after survey shows a slow trend toward secularization. Not only is it not getting worse, but it appears to be improving. I think this is a reason for optimism, especially when one contrasts it with other types of beliefs that do seem to be getting worse.

The Popularity of Jesus Does Not Make Him Real

Superman figureHave you heard of Superman? Maybe you've read a comic book or two featuring him. Maybe you've seen at least one of the films in which he was depicted. And if not, you've probably encountered hundreds if not thousands of cultural references to him during your life. So yeah, it is probably safe to assume that you've heard of him.

It wouldn't make much sense if I were to claim that the fact that you've heard of him means that he's real, would it? One hardly follows from the other. And if I were to insist that the fact that most people have probably heard of Superman was evidence that he must be a real person, that wouldn't be any more convincing, would it? That a fictional character is popular does not make him or her any less fictional.

This all seems fairly obvious, doesn't it? I'd like to say that most people can easily grasp this and move on. I cannot do so, however, because I have heard this "argument" from Christians more times than I can count as they attempt to convince others that the Jesus character depicted in their bible was a real historical person or worse - that he is still around in some way that makes even less sense. The number of people who have heard of Jesus is no more relevant to his reality as was the number of people who have heard of Superman. The popularity of Jesus does not make him real.

June 23, 2018

Hard to Imagine Living in Mississippi Without Air Conditioning

Mississippi river landscape
June brings the start of a long summer here in Mississippi, with plenty of the oppressive heat and humidity I dread. It isn't quite as bad as July and August, but it is plenty bad. Needless to say, I was less than thrilled when my air conditioner suddenly stopped working in the middle of a recent Saturday. I know, I know. I probably should not have air conditioning at all since it is apparently sexist and probably bad for the environment. I can't imagine living here without it even though I am aware that some people do.

Neither the temperature nor the humidity changes much at night this time of year, so opening all the windows brought little relief. Still, I felt like I had to try. Sticking the one electric fan I could find in front of an open window had to be better than nothing. As I lay in bed sweating and drifting in and out of consciousness, I heard a strange noise. I figured it had to be the insects outside, but it wasn't. It turns out it was me.

June 22, 2018

Separating Atheism from Politics

Conservative Skeptic recently wrote a post that reminded me of a question I've been wanting to pose for some time: Can atheism be separated from politics? I think it can, at least up to a point. Given the eagerness with which the Republican Party has embraced evangelical fundamentalist Christianity since Reagan, it makes sense that more atheists would be found to the left of the political spectrum. Much of the right has been extremely hostile to atheists, while much of the left has merely been indifferent. If faced with a choice between someone who doesn't particularly value you and someone who hates you, most of us would gravitate toward those who are indifferent. And yet, we do find atheists across the political spectrum. There is nothing inherently political about atheism.

While I don't disagree with Conservative Skeptic when he says that "politics should not influence anyone's atheism," I suspect it is not always that simple. Politics does not influence what I think about gods, but I do find politics relevant to how I view the world, others in it, and how I choose to implement my atheism. For example, I don't think I can separate my political views from my commitment to secular activism. One could certainly argue that secular activism is distinct from atheism, and I'd agree with that. Some theists participate in secular activism, and many atheists do not. But for me, the two are related.