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The Atheist Experience Show Archive

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Date (Y-M-D) /
Media Personalities Episode Description
mp3, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and Jen Peeples   AA and Detox. Jen talks about issues of detox, when trying to combat alcohol abuse.  
mp3, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Phil Session   Viewer Calls. After Phil describes upcoming ACA activities, Matt and Phil take calls.  
mp3, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and guest Seth Andrews   The Thinking Atheist. Matt has Seth Andrews of the Thinking Atheist podcast on for our 1000th episode.  
mp3, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker   God has a purpose for you. Don unpacks the bad logic behind the assumption of individual purpose.  
mp3, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and Matt Dillahunty   Viewer Calls. Tracie and Matt take calls for 2 hours.  
mp3, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Phil Session   Viewer Calls. After Phil describes upcoming ACA activities, Matt and Phil take calls.  
mp3, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and guest Katilyn Pulcher   Status Quon't. Katilyn Pulcher talks about her path to atheism and her book, "Status Quon't".  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Jen Peeples and John Iacoletti   Viewer Calls. Jen and John take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and Don Baker   They Don't Believe That. Don looks at professed vs. actual beliefs of Christian churches. No phone system.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Jen Peeples and Phil Session   ACA Goings On. Some discussion of today's ACA elections and volunteer activities.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and guest Phil Ferguson   The Phil Ferguson Show. Phil Ferguson runs a podcast on skepticism, personal finance, and economics.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples   American Atheists Firing. Matt urges patience with waiting on details of the American Atheists firing of Dave Silverman.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and Eric Murphy   Viewer Calls. Tracie and Eric take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti   American Atheists 2018 Convention. Tracie summarizes the AA convention and she and John take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Jen Peeples and Don Baker   Legend, Lunatic, Liar. Don examines the CS Lewis tricotomy and comes up with a different answer.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Tracie Harris   Live from the AA Convention. This special episode was taken live from the 2018 American Atheists Convention.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples   Austin Bomber. Jen talks about a local bomber and a bit about his motivations and background.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and guest David Fitzgerald   Christian Mythicism. David Fitzgerald has written extensively on mythicism in Christianity.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Jamie   Viewer Calls. 202302 Jamie, from Talk Heathen, co-hosts.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and guest Callie Wright   Trans Rights. Tracie talks with guest Callie Wright, host of the Gaytheist Manifesto and The Queer Side podcasts.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Jen Peeples   Fighting Creationism. Jen uses a viewer letter to talk about how to fight creationism in public education.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker   Pro-Life in Texas. Don examines the fruits by which we know Texas conservatives.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and John Iacoletti   We Get Mail. John reads and responds to a letter from a theist.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and Phil Session   Viewer Calls. Phil describes some of the upcoming events in Austin, then he and Russell take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker   Lingering opp. to gay marriage. Don talks about Chris Sevier, one of many trying to stop same-sex marriage.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Tracie Harris and Eric Murphy   Viewer Calls. After a brief introduction of Eric (from Talk Heathen), Tracie and Eric take callers.  
mp3, Ogg Vorbis, jlGui, DVD, Video  Russell Glasser and John Iacoletti   Viewer Calls. Russell and John take callers.  

Using our Content

The content of The Atheist Experience, including video and audio downloads and DVDs is currently all rights reserved. Please contact the ACA Board for special licenses.

Atheist Experience Audio

Audio of the most recent episodes is available in the table above in several formats. If your Internet bandwidth is slow, or you'd like to listen to back episodes, you can purchase an audio compilation.

We have an mp3 (Podcast compatible) audio feed . Podcasting audio syndication is most useful with iTunes, which is freely downloaded from Apple. If you already have iTunes, you can subscribe by clicking here.

Sorry, we no longer distribute podcasts in the Ogg Vorbis audio format.

Atheist Experience Video

Video for many past Atheist Experience episodes is hosted by Youtube, but you may watch them via the table above. Alternatively, you may subscribe to our videocast feed . Finally, our fan appreciation page has lots of great clips taken from various episodes.

If your Internet bandwidth is slow, you can purchase individual DVDs of the show or a DVD subscription from the ACA Products page. Atheist Experience DVDs are broadcast quality unless otherwise noted.

Atheist Experience Episode Information

The table above is an archive of recent episodes of The Atheist Experience. By default only episodes from the current year are displayed; but alternatively all episodes may be displayed.

The episode column starts at #1 with the very first episode (10/19/97) and increments by 1 each week, whether there was an episode or not. Some older DVDs refer to a "volume". The "number" can be found by adding 242 to the "volume", should you need to convert between the two formats.

Each episode may be available in one or more media formats via the table above. Episodes that are available online in some media format, such as Ogg Vorbis, can downloaded by clicking the appropriate link in the "Media" column. If the "Media" column is blank, then the episode is not available--possibly because the airing has not yet happened. The meaning of the links in the "Media" column are:

  • mp3 -- Links to the audio file of the episode in the standard mp3 format.
  • Ogg Vorbis: Links to the audio file of the episode in the Ogg Vorbis format. Ogg Vorbis is a free alternative to mp3 that is available on most platforms. WinAmp has included Ogg Vorbis support for years. For more information about Ogg Vorbis see the Vorbis home page.
  • jlGui -- Launches an audio player on your web browser to listen to the episode. This link is provided for those users that don't have a Ogg Vorbis or mp3 player installed. The player requires both Java and JavaScript to be enabled. See the jlGui Applet web page for more information.
  • DVD -- Links to the Atheist Community of Austin products page where a DVD of the episode can be purchased (scroll, if necessary). DVDs contain the entire episode in video and can be played on any standard DVD player.
  • Video -- Links to a Youtube video for that episode.