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Terms of Cancer Jun 29
always speak the truth whether you wanna hear it or not.
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Terms of Cancer Jul 2
gets attached deeply making break ups or separations more difficult for them than for any other sign
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Cancer Horoscope Jun 29
’s LOVE money. If they don't have enough they will be in a bad mood.
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Terms of Cancer Jul 3
see things as black & white.. No grey areas
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Terms of Cancer Jul 2
loves to do things their own way, even if its less effective.
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Terms of Cancer Jun 30
will relieve their stress with a few cigarettes or a drink. The healthy ones do yoga.
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Terms of Cancer Jul 2
When stressed, a needs time alone. They dont like to talk about their problems.
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Terms of Cancer Jul 3
can talk you into doing something you dont want to do & have you not even regret it after
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Terms of Cancer Jun 29
never go to sleep mad or sad. They stay up & fight.
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kate northcott spall Jul 3
Wonderful news - One of my patients on a new immunotherapy drug just got her scan results...Result: Remission from Stage 4... This is the best day ever...To Life x
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Cancer Horoscope Jul 1
is the most caring sign of the zodiac, if you want to be loved unconditionally, look for a & you'll never be without.
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ZodiacFact Jul 2
: You’ve spent your life learning from your mistakes and finding ways to get rid of people who do nothing but rob you of your happiness.
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Terms of Cancer 19h
hates when someone tries to hide their feelings
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Cancer Horoscope Jul 1
's might be the most genuine people you'll ever encounter.
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ZodiacFact Jul 1
: Unlike some people you can’t just let something go easily however you don’t deserve to cling onto toxic people who are unworthy of your love.
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ZodiacFact Jun 30
A as a kid: They are quick to go from being adorable to sending you death stares. Their moods are unpredictable and more than any other sign often find it harder to leave home since they are really close to their family.
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Cancer Horoscope Jun 30
's put family first.
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Cancer Horoscope Jul 2
will never cheat on their lover, even if they've been cheated on.
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Cancer Horoscope 23h
's either REALLY hate you, or REALLY love you...there's no in between.
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ZodiacFact Jul 1
: Sometimes the very thing you think is good for you can actually destroy you.
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