Twitter Ads pricing

How much does Twitter Ads cost?

Your bid and budget come into play when controlling the spend in your campaign. Twitter Ads is an auction based system, so your budget and bid determine the price of your campaign. There is no minimum for using Twitter Ads and our system will only charge advertisers when you acquire an action (based on your campaign objective). We cannot provide an exact price for the cost of Twitter Ads, since this is based on the budget as well as the bid you select in the campaign setup process. We do recommend viewing the pricing definitions below to get an idea of how much you will end up paying. It’s important to note that advertisers are never charged for organic activity.

When setting up a campaign, advertisers have two options to choose from when determining how to set bids for their campaigns: automatic or maximum bidding.

Automatic bidding enables Twitter to auto-optimize bids for a given campaign objective and budget on the advertiser’s behalf. When selecting the automatic bid option, Twitter will attempt to enter the advertiser in auctions with the lowest bid possible, while also delivering on the advertiser’s overall campaign objectives.

Maximum bidding allows advertisers to manually select how much a lead, click, or engagement is worth to their business. When entering your manual bid, you will not pay that amount when you win an objective-based campaign auction. Instead, you will only pay one penny above the second place advertiser’s quality-adjusted bid. The common term for this model is a second price auction.

For advertisers that select either the website visits or followers campaigns, target bidding is the default selected pricing option. Target bid pricing is likely to result in more link clicks, while maintaining an average cost-per-link-click that works for them.

Your campaign type determines which actions you are bidding for and will be charged for once the campaign starts running. The available campaign types and associated actions are listed below:

Website clicks or conversions campaigns

You will only be charged for the clicks to your website that are acquired from that campaign. All other actions and engagements (impressions, replies, and Retweets, for example) are free.

Followers campaigns

You will only be charged for the follows you acquire through the campaign. All other actions and engagements (impressions, replies, and Retweets, for example) are free.

Tweet engagement campaigns

You will only be charged for engagements on your Promoted Tweets.  Impressions are free.

App installs or re-engagement campaigns

You will only be charged for the clicks to install or open your app that you acquire from the campaign.  All other actions and engagements (impressions, replies, and Retweets, for example) are free.

Promoted video view campaigns

You will only be charged for video views from that campaign. A view occurs when a video is at least 50% in-view on the watcher’s device and has played for at least 2 seconds, or if the user clicks to watch the video in fullscreen. All other actions and engagements (impressions, replies, and Retweets, for example) are free.

As of May 2016, we’re also introducing the ability to bid on the 3s/100 metric, which instead defines a view as 100% in-view on a user’s device and watched for at least 3 seconds.

Awareness campaigns

This objective will optimize for unique reach to drive better awareness for your brand, and you'll pay for the number of impressions (CPM). Awareness campaigns serve as a cost effective way to raise awareness of your brand’s message.

Pre-Roll campaigns

Pre-roll campaigns follow the same bidding options as video views campaigns. There are no additional actions or engagements for pre-roll campaigns besides video views, as there are no Tweets associated with the campaign.

A view occurs when a video is at least 50% in-view on the watcher’s device and has played for at least 2 seconds, or the watcher clicks to see the video in fullscreen.

As of May 2016, we’re also introducing the ability to bid on the 3s/100 metric, which instead defines a view as 100% in-view on a watcher’s device and played for at least 3 seconds. Please note that at this time the pre-roll campaign objective is only available for advertisers working with a managed sales representative. 

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