26 June 2018

Thousands of refugees forced onto death march into Sahara desert

By Bill Van Auken, 26 June 2018

The reported atrocities carried out by the Algerian government are part of a global assault on immigrants by the major capitalist powers in Europe and America.

Italy strands rescue ship Lifeline as EU refugee summit collapses

Italy’s interior minister announces plan to register Roma and Sinti

More on the refugee crisis »

Leaked manual reveals ICE informants posing as attorneys, clergy

By Meenakshi Jagadeesen, 26 June 2018

A newly leaked ICE handbook reveals the organization’s policies for illegal undercover operations against immigrants.

Concentration camps in America

“Nobody knows what is going to happen next”
Residents of Salem, Ohio, remain in shock after immigration raid

As public anger grows over childhood detention centers
Thousands participate in San Diego protest against treatment of immigrants

Open letter by Amazon workers opposes contracts with immigration and police agencies

US court documents reveal
Immigrant children tied down, hooded, beaten, stripped and drugged

The working class and the global war on immigrants

More on North American immigration issues »

Erdogan wins Turkish elections with reduced majority

By Halil Celik, 25 June 2018

The electoral success of Erdogan and his AKP is mainly due to the bankruptcy and anti-working-class character of the opposition.

Trade war fears hit global markets

By Nick Beams, 26 June 2008

The Trump administration reportedly plans to invoke powers allowing the president to impose sanctions on the grounds of a “national emergency.”

Argentine workers stage massive general strike against Macri’s austerity policies

By Rafael Azul, 26 June 2018

Total work stoppages shut down municipal transit, banks and airports throughout Argentina Monday.

Hundreds protest after Minneapolis police fatally shoot 31-year-old man

By Anthony Bertolt, 26 June 2018

Thurman Blevins Jr. was shot down by police in an alleyway in a hail of bullets Saturday evening, sparking almost immediate protests from neighborhood residents.

Trump proposes to privatize the US Postal Service

By Hector Cordon, 26 June 2018

Privatization would lay the basis for an all-out attack on postal and all federal workers’ rights, jobs and benefits.

Sri Lanka: Striking postal workers criticise the trade unions

By our correspondents, 26 June 2018

While postal workers are determine to continue their fight, the trade unions are seeking ways to sabotage the campaign.

Bipartisan bid to push through Australian “foreign interference” bills

By Mike Head, 26 June 2018

The bills could be used to outlaw opposition to Australian involvement in any US-led military intervention, particularly a confrontation with China.

Supreme Court narrowly protects privacy of cellphone location data

By Ed Hightower, 26 June 2018

The high court came within a single vote of authorizing virtually unlimited police utilization of cellphone location data.

After years of neglect, New York City public housing headed for privatization

By Philip Guelpa, 26 June 2018

The abysmal conditions in which 400,000 tenants are forced to live are the result of decades of disinvestment.

Social studies teachers denounce anti-democratic changes to Michigan education curriculum

By Debra Watson and Ed Bergonzi, 26 June 2018

Teachers are opposing proposed changes to the state’s social studies curriculum that would block students from learning about struggles for democratic and civil rights.

Social services in Monroe County, Michigan threatened by massive DTE Energy tax cut

By Charles Bogle, 26 June 2018

DTE Energy is seeking a state ruling that will allow it to slash its property tax bill to Monroe County, threatening the locality with a massive loss in revenue.

Australia: Toys ‘R’ Us closure to destroy 700 jobs

By Terry Cook, 26 June 2018

The chain’s liquidation underscores the parasitic role of private equity firms in collapses throughout the retail sector.

New in French

Alors que le sommet de l’UE sur les réfugiés vire à l’échec
L’Italie abandonne le bateau de sauvetage «Lifeline»

Alex Lantier, 26 juin 2018

Ce n’est qu’une des scènes d’horreur à se dérouler dans les eaux de la Méditerranée entre l’Italie et la Libye, alors que l’UE s’efforce de bloquer la migration des réfugiés.

Des camps de concentration en Amérique

Eric London, 26 juin 2018

La force sociale qui peut et doit arrêter le virage vers la dictature est la classe ouvrière, la cible centrale de l’assaut contre les droits démocratiques.

New in Spanish

Los campos de concentración en Estados Unidos

Por Eric London, 26 junio 2018

La fuerza social que puede y debe detener la marcha hacia la dictadura es la clase obrera, el principal blanco de la ofensiva contra los derechos democráticos.

“Nadie sabe qué va a pasar después”
Los residentes de Salem, Ohio, siguen en estado de shock después de una redada contra inmigrantes

Por Zac Corrigan y Shannon Jones, 26 junio 2018

La redada de la semana pasada por parte de los agentes federales ha traumatizado a la comunidad inmigrante, desgarrando familias y dándoles miedo a otras de salir de sus casas.

Millones de estadounidenses se enfrentan a la pobreza al jubilarse

Por Kate Randall, 26 junio 2018

Más de cuatro de cada 10 estadounidenses tiene ahorros de menos de $10.000, mientras que el 14 por ciento no tienen absolutamente nada en ahorros para la jubilación.

New in German

Konzentrationslager in Amerika

Eric London, 26. Juni 2018

Die gesellschaftliche Kraft, die eine Diktatur verhindern kann und muss, ist die Arbeiterklasse, die zugleich das zentrale Ziel des Angriffs auf demokratische Rechte ist.

EU-Flüchtlingsgipfel gescheitert

Alex Lantier, 26. Juni 2018

Das Drama um die Lifeline ist nur ein Beispiel für das Grauen, das sich im Mittelmeer zwischen Italien und Libyen abspielt, während die EU versucht, den Flüchtlingsstrom zu unterbinden.

Der amerikanische Gulag
US Navy plant Internierungslager für 120.000 Einwanderer

Alec Andersen, 26. Juni 2018

Die Regierung bereitet massive militärische Gefangenenlager vor. Letztlich sollen dort nicht nur Einwanderer, sondern auch alle Regierungsgegner unter „spartanischen“ Bedingungen festgehalten werden.

Nach dem offiziellen Ende des griechischen „Rettungsprogramms“
Syriza und EU setzen rigorose Sparpolitik und Privatisierungen über Jahrzehnte fort

Katerina Selin, 26. Juni 2018

Syrizas Behauptung, der formale Austritt aus dem EU-„Rettungsschirm“ bedeute das Ende der Austeritätspolitik, ist eine offenkundige Lüge. Die Hauptelemente der bisherigen Memoranden-Politik bleiben auch nach Auslaufen des dritten Programms im August bestehen.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Известный большевик Володарский убит в Петрограде

25 июня 2018 г.

20 июня 1918 года был застрелен В. Володарский, один из лидеров Петроградского комитета большевистской партии и редактор популярной Красной газеты.

1968: Всеобщая забастовка и восстание студентов во Франции
Часть 6: Центристская линия OCI (2)

Петер Шварц, 25 июня 2018 г.

Пятьдесят лет назад, в мае-июне 1968 года, всеобщая забастовка поставила Францию ​​на грань пролетарской революции. Данная серия статей, состоящая из восьми частей, описывает эти события и рассматривает их политические уроки для сегодняшнего дня.

New in Arabic

الأول من أيار 2018 والذكرى المئوية الثانية لمولد كارل ماركس

٥ أيار مايو ٢٠١٨

سيتم استثمار يوم الأول من مايو 2018 من خلال إضفاء دلالة خاصة لأننا لا نحتفل باليوم الدولي لتضامن الطبقة العاملة وحسب ، بل نحتفل أيضاً بالذكرى المئوية الثانية لمولد كارل ماركس.

Other Languages


In defense of the Red Hen

26 June 2018

The Washington Post and leading Democrats have lined up with Donald Trump in condemning protests against Trump administration officials over human rights violations on the Mexican border.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Committee of the Fourth International

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 21 June 2018

We are posting the new preface written by David North for the soon to be released thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend: A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International.

Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey


German government crisis: The working class needs its own strategy against anti-refugee agitation, militarism and war

By Johannes Stern, 26 June 2018

The dispute between the CDU and the CSU is over how best to implement the reactionary program of the German grand coalition government in the face of growing popular opposition.

Teachers and the political struggle

By Nancy Hanover and Jerry White, 26 June 2018

In the aftermath of the union betrayal of their strikes and protests, teachers are running for seats in their state legislatures in unprecedented numbers, posing fundamental political issues for the working class.

The British UCU Congress and the impossibility of reforming the trade unions

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 26 June 2018

Events at the University and College Union prove that the union bureaucracy is unanswerable for its actions and unaccountable to its members.

Three months on: Oxford Union refuses to tell truth about why whistleblowing panel debate is censored

By Zach Reed, 26 June 2018

The only explanation for deciding not to publish the video is that ex-CIA operative David Shedd demanded its suppression.

Millions of Americans face poverty in retirement

By Kate Randall, 25 June 2018

Amid Trump’s war on immigrants and social programs
Democrats back massive Pentagon budget for war and repression

By Andre Damon, 23 June 2018

Report finds majority of Australian youth favour socialism

By Oscar Grenfell, 25 June 2018

Argentina’s Partido Obrero suppresses questions on alliance with Russian Stalinist with ties to neo-fascism

By Bill Van Auken, 19 June 2018

Workers Party in Argentina seeks to “refound” Fourth International in alliance with Stalinism

The Demise of Savas Michael’s “New Era”

Arts Review

Dominican-American author Junot Díaz: the latest artist victimized by the #MeToo campaign

By Sandy English, 26 June 2018

Following a controversy that erupted in May, MIT recently completed an investigation into the conduct of Díaz, who teaches at the university, and cleared him of any sexual misconduct.

In Exile: A Family Film—Refugees from the Spanish Civil War

By Kevin Mitchell, 23 June 2018

“Unfortunately, none of this happened”: Kirill Serebrennikov’s Summer (Leto), a take on the pre-perestroika period in the USSR

By Clara Weiss, 21 June 2018

Survivors Guide to Prison: The American nightmare

By Joanne Laurier, 22 June 2018

Defend Julian Assange!

Sri Lankan artists, translators and workers endorse international campaign to defend Julian Assange

By our correspondents, 25 June 2018

“Julian fights for peace and defends democratic rights”
Watch: Workers at SEP rally in Sydney demand freedom for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 22 June 2018

Ecuadorian foreign minister warns that Julian Assange’s political asylum is “not forever”

By Oscar Grenfell, 22 June 2018

The Turnbull government must act to repatriate Australian citizen Julian Assange to Australia

By James Cogan, 19 June 2018

This speech was delivered by James Cogan, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in Australia, to a rally organised by the SEP in defence of Julian Assange last Sunday in Sydney.

Bringing Julian Assange Home

By John Pilger, 19 June 2018

Addressing last Sunday's SEP rally in Sydney, well-known filmmaker and documentarian, John Pilger exposed the role of Labor and Coalition governments, along with prominent journalists and editors in the ongoing persecution of Julian Assange.

Assange is being punished for exposing state secrecy and the reality of war

By Linda Tenenbaum, 21 June 2018

The persecution of Assange is an attempt to silence mass anti-war sentiment

By Evrim Yazgin, 21 June 2018

Educators internationally must stand up for Julian Assange

By Sue Phillips, 21 June 2018

Socialist Equality Party leader Julie Hyland speaks at London vigil to demand freedom for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 20 June 2018

The Sydney rally to defend Julian Assange: An important step forward

By Linda Tenenbaum, 18 June 2018

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

Workers Struggles

Chilean copper miners to strike against layoffs; Crane workers strike in Quebec
Workers Struggles: The Americas

26 June 2018

Some 1,700 copper miners at the Chuquicamata mine complex in Chile have announced a strike against layoffs while 2,000 crane operators in Quebec walked off the job in a wildcat strike.

Peruvian teachers strike in defiance of government ban

By Cesar Uco, 22 June 2018

New Zealand nurses reject third sellout deal, prepare to strike

By Tom Peters, 22 June 2018

25 years ago: Bill Clinton orders cruise missile strikes on Baghdad

June 27, 1993: The US military unleashed 23 Tomahawk cruise missiles on Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq, in what President Bill Clinton intended as a show of “toughness” against the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

More »

50 years ago: The CIA begins Phoenix Program assassinations in Vietnam

Following the political debacle suffered the United States in the Vietnamese Tet Offensive (January-February 1968), Washington turned to increasingly savage and desperate measures to turn the war to their favor.

More »

75 years ago: Uprising of Jewish workers in Poland drowned in blood by the Nazis

On June 25, 1943, Jewish workers and youth launched a heroic uprising against their Nazi jailers in the Częstochowa Ghetto in German-occupied Poland.

More »


100 years ago: Soviet government nationalizes basic industries

A decree of June 28, 1918, by the Soviet Council of People’s Commissars nationalized all mining, engineering, textile, electrical, wood, tobacco, glass, ceramics, leather, rubber, cement and transport industries worth over half a million rubles.

More »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Oppose right-wing censorship at Frankfurt University

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 23 June 2018

With this open letter, the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) is protesting against the banning of its meeting on the contemporary relevance of Marxism by the student union at the University of Frankfurt.


Martian dust storm covers the entire planet

By Bryan Dyne, 25 June 2018

New in Arabic

Arabic translation of “May Day 2018 and the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx”

The following is an Arabic translation of the speech to the International Committee of the Fourth International's Online May Day Rally by David North.

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018


25 years since the Mack Avenue Fire Inquiry

By Shannon Jones, 22 June 2018

The Workers League, forerunner of the Socialist Equality Party (US), campaigned to expose the terrible social conditions, created by capitalism, that killed seven young children in Detroit.

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (UK) meetings on war and censorship: “War preparations are powered by lies”

By Julie Hyland, 18 June 2018

Fifty years of the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka
Arm the working class with the program of socialist internationalism and with revolutionary leadership!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 16 June 2018

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) to hold lectures to mark its 50th anniversary

Sri Lanka SEP files fundamental rights case against Colombo Municipal Council

WSWS 20th Anniversary Fund

Help us expose the CIA Democrats! Donate today!


The Grenfell Tower Fire

Labour and unions seek to corral social anger over Grenfell fire behind official inquiry

By Robert Stevens, 20 June 2018

UK: Protesters speak at demonstration to mark first anniversary of Grenfell fire

Thousands gather to mark first anniversary of Grenfell Tower inferno

Grenfell Silent Marchers speak
“I have woken up to the fact that class war still exists, it’s alive and kicking”

Autoworkers struggles

Detroit autoworkers speak out on UAW corruption scandal

Read the WSWS Autoworkers Newsletter: wsws.org/autoworkers

“They’re getting more money and we’re losing workers”
In wake of UAW convention, Lordstown GM workers speak out on layoffs

By a WSWS reporting team, 16 June 2018

“Everything they took from us needs to be returned, plus the money they stole”
Growing outrage from autoworkers over UAW bribery scandal

More on autoworkers issues »

May Day 2018 International Online Rally

May Day 2018 and the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx

By David North, 6 May 2018

Opening the ICFI’s International Online Rally on Saturday, May 5, David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the WSWS and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US), spoke on the historical significance of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, 200 years after his birth.

Arabic translation of “Against imperialism, counterrevolution and war! For a socialist Middle East!”

The following is an Arabic translation of the speech, "Against imperialism, counterrevolution and war! For a socialist Middle East!", delivered to the ICFI’s International Online Rally on May 5 by Johannes Stern, a leading member of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, the German section of the ICFI, and the World Socialist Web Site editorial board in Germany.

Trotskyism is the Marxism of the 21st Century

By Joseph Kishore, 7 May 2018

May Day 2018

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 1 May 2018

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.