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Belgrade, Serbia
가입일: 2013년 6월


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  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 19일

    Kolega je uradio izvanredan intervju o sa vodećim autoritetom, dekanom Ratkom Ristićem

  2. 4월 19일

    ’s 🇳🇴 oil and wind energy company is in an early stage of identifying opportunities concerning in 🇬🇷

  3. 4월 19일
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  4. 4월 19일

    🗑️♻️ Trash izazov 🇷🇸 počinje u nedelju 21. aprila čišćenjem Avale. Obezbeđen je i javni gradski prevoz iz Birčaninove u 9.15. Organizatori su Trash Hero i 🗑️♻️

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  5. 4월 18일

    Preparatory works have been launched ahead of the implementation of Chinese 🇨🇳 Green Tech Group’s project for the construction of a factory to build , 🚗 scooters, and in 🇭🇷

  6. 4월 18일
  7. 4월 18일

    Kaštelir, Cres, Vis, and Vrlika Jug are the first four ☀️ power plants that 's 🇭🇷 plans to build as part of a major investment cycle to soak around EUR 100 million by 2023.

  8. 4월 18일

    "Nezvanična je činjenica da imamo čitave gradove, koji se greju spaljivanjem toksičnih i kancerogenih otpadnih ulja i drugih opasnih materija u individualnim ložištima i pećima." - Ivan Karić, državni sekretar, Ministarstvo zaštite životne sredine

  9. 4월 18일

    PV module manufacturer plans to install 20 MW ☀️projects in 🇨🇾 during 2019.

  10. 4월 17일

    The Slovenian municipality of is eyeing an uptake in self-supply to ensure environmental that would, in turn, foster tourism development in the town immortalized in Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms. 🏔️🇸🇮

  11. 4월 17일
  12. 4월 17일

    German car parts maker plans to open a plant in by the end of the month to produce powertrain components for hybrid and .

  13. 4월 16일

    The Fokida farm is the first of a series of three wind farms is constructing for Nostira Renewable Energy in 🇬🇷

  14. 4월 16일

    Uzrok smrti zbog saobracaja u Austriji, Svajcarskoj i Francuskoj,

  15. 4월 16일

    U Narodnoj Skupstini Republike Srbije odrzava se danas predavanje za narodne poslanike Odrzivo planiranje urbanog saobracaja u organizaciiji i .

  16. 4월 16일

    Zabrinuti gradjani godinama bezuspesno pokusavaju da rese problem na Cukarickoj padini. Moze li da resi ovaj problem?

  17. 4월 16일

    Projekat INSPIRE-Grid uvodi nekoliko alata koji osiguravaju da se u procesu planiranja i odobravanja dalekovoda čuju svi glasovi.

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  18. 4월 16일

    The INSPIRE-Grid (Improved and eNhanced Stakeholders Participation In Reinforcement of Electricity Grid) project introduces several tools to ensure that all voices are heard in the power line planning and approval process. via

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  19. 4월 15일

    The Turkish Constitutional Court has ruled that self-generators should not pay consumption to municipalities. Attorneys at law of in Turkey explain the significance 👇

  20. 4월 15일
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