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#RiseTogether: No Bayou Bridge Pipeline Weeks of Action

A call from various anti-pipeline campaigns for weeks of action to stop the Bayou Bridge pipeline. From July 16th-31st frontline resistance campaigns across the continent...

Pittsburgh, PA: Friday Night March for Antwon Rose Jr.

Pittsburgh anarchist counter-info website Torchlight reports on the ongoing Antwon Rose demonstrations.  Friday saw more protests over the police murder of Antwon Rose in East...

Building Autonomous Power: Radical Struggle in Philadelphia

Both a history, analysis, and a proposal for building autonomous power in the city of Philadelphia, PA.  "The Summer of Rage has begun! Get your...

Remembering Charlottesville: August 11-12, 2018 Call for a Weekend of International...

Along with comrades in Charlottesville and around the Southeast, we are calling for a weekend of international solidarity for August 11-12, 2018 to celebrate...

“Let’s Go For Itâ€: Interview with a Striking AT&T Union Steward

The Black Rose Federation interviews a striking CWA member and union steward about the recent round of strikes. This past month thousands of AT&T workers...

Fighting Collective Amnesia: Recovering Our Memory and Staying Alert

After many late night conversations reflecting on how our movement has changed in the last decades, both locally and internationally, some long-time Milwaukee anarchists...

This Is America #13: Attacks on #OccupyICE, Class War USA

Welcome to This Is America, June 25th, 2018. In this episode we are joined with someone at the #OccupyICE encampment in Tacoma, Washington, but first,...

New Blockade in California’s Mattole Forest Protects Old Growth from Timber...

Eco-defense of the Mattole Forest in Northern California is picking up again. The following report was originally posted on the Earth First! Newswire. by...

Tacoma, WA: Encampment Grows at NWDC Immigration Prison

A call to participate in the growing encampment in Tacoma, Washington that was originally published on Puget Sound Anarchists. A growing encampment has established...

Report on Juneteenth Strike Actions on the Inside and Out

Gainesville IWOC reports on Juneteenth strike actions in Florida prisons along with outside public support. News from Juneteenth is beginning to come in from Florida...

Kingston, ON: Reflecting on the Prison Farms “Victory”

This anonymous individual reflection first appeared on North Shore-Info. Yesterday, the Federal Government announced that a dairy farm would be established at Joyceville Institution alongside...

Anarchist Unions To Rally Across Four Countries to #DropJ20

On Monday, people around the world in at least 12 cities in 4 different countries will be standing up to demand that the U.S....

This Is America #12: #OccupyICENYC, Pittsburgh Shuts It Down

Welcome, to This Is America, June 22nd, 2018. #OccupyICE Actions Spread Across the US In this episode, we talked with someone in New York about that...

Reportback From the First Rally for Antwon Rose

This reportback was originally published on Torchlight, and was sent from an anarchist who attended the first rally for Antwon Rose on Wednesday evening....

Kite Line: The Stakes of #SurroundICE

Long running anti-prison podcast Kite Line discusses immigrant detention and beyond. Listen and Download HERE This week, we will focus on a specific story about an...

July 25, 2018 – Fourth Annual International Day of Solidarity with...

Announcing the 4th annual call for an international day of solidarity with antifascist prisoners. Since the last July 25th International Day of Solidarity with...

Fighting for the Memory and Life of Antwon Rose Jr.

The following report was originally posted on Filler PGH. Antwon Rose Jr. was murdered by the East Pittsburgh Police Tuesday night, June 19th. Officer...

North Carolina, USA: Anti-Mountain Valley Pipeline Action report

The following communique, originally posted to Contra-Info, was sent to It's Going Down anonymously, which we re-post below. Cover photo from NRDC The communique reads: Amidst...

New York: Call to Occupy ICE

The following is a call from the Metropolitian Anarchist Coordinating Council (MACC) for #OccupyICENYC actions starting on June 22nd. MACC is calling for an emergency...

Announcing the 5th Annual Torch Network Conference

The following announces the 5th annual Torch antifascist network conference on September 1st and 2nd in Richmond, Virginia, hosted by Antifa Seven Hills.  This...

Richmond, VA: Anti-Pipeline Banner Drop on Virginia DEQ Central Offices and...

The following report and photos was submitted to It's Going Down by the River Healers group. A 10’ x 35’ banner was hung on the...
The following editorial argues that the system of cash bail is aimed at fleecing the poor of massive amounts of money in a system that rarely penalizes the wealthy. In Humboldt county, located in Northern California, people are calling for a boycott on Sizzler and Subway in Eureka because the...
Report from Unicorn Riot on the most recent dismissal of charges in the J20 trial. Washington, DC – Today eight more cases were dropped in the felony dragnet prosecution of protesters mass-arrested during President Trump’s inauguration on January 20th, 2017. Legal motions filed by prosecutors on Wednesday, June 13th, sought to...
Pittsburgh anarchist counter-info website Torchlight reports on the ongoing Antwon Rose demonstrations.  Friday saw more protests over the police murder of Antwon Rose in East Pittsburgh. The evening’s action started conventionally enough, meeting at the Wood Street subway station downtown at 5:30, and stepping off around 6. At least 200...
Eco-defense of the Mattole Forest in Northern California is picking up again. The following report was originally posted on the Earth First! Newswire. by wild hare Logging season has started. Humboldt Redwood Company has repeatedly stated that they plan to start logging in the Mattole Forest. No way are we...
Both a history, analysis, and a proposal for building autonomous power in the city of Philadelphia, PA.  "The Summer of Rage has begun! Get your sun screen on because it’s gonna be a hot one!" Summer of Rage Anarchist Crew by Art Burbridge Radical struggle is on the rise in Philadelphia. Since at...
After many late night conversations reflecting on how our movement has changed in the last decades, both locally and internationally, some long-time Milwaukee anarchists thought it would be a good idea to write these thoughts down to share with other people. Many of these thoughts and bits of information are...