Super & retirement | News, Advice & Guides | Brisbane Times


Super & retirement

Closing the gap for women's superannuation

Closing the gap for women's superannuation

Women retire with less superannuation than men. The reasons are obvious, the solutions less so.

  • by Noel Whittaker


Ensuring you have correct superannuation account can be good insurance

Ensuring you have correct superannuation account can be good insurance

Many workers have multiple superannuation accounts and that can cause headaches.

Financial abuse of elders is likely to grow
Retirement living

Financial abuse of elders is likely to grow

While moves are afoot to better protect older Australians from financial abuse, a better way to report suspected abuse is urgently needed.

  • by John Collett
Super funds flex muscles on responsible investing
Ethical investing

Super funds flex muscles on responsible investing

The nation's $2.6 trillion in retirement savings is a potential game changer for unethical companies.

  • by John Collett
When too much choice is a bad thing

When too much choice is a bad thing

There is a convincing case that excessive choice in superannuation is doing more harm than good.

  • by Clancy Yeates
The problems in super the Productivity Commission report won't fix

The problems in super the Productivity Commission report won't fix

Neither the Productivity Commission report nor the budget measures will fix all the problems in superannuation, particularly for young people and women.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Superannuation has been part of class and political warfare too long

Superannuation has been part of class and political warfare too long

Without compulsion, Australians have had a hopeless record on saving. Without a compulsory scheme, that $2.6 trillion would have been spent on flat-screen TVs.

  • by Crispin Hull
Super funds told to 'lift their game' on transparency and governance

Super funds told to 'lift their game' on transparency and governance

The superannuation industry is locked in a game of “unhealthy competition” with most funds failing basic transparency on key performance measures.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
The super option that could leave you $130k worse off
Retirement living

The super option that could leave you $130k worse off

The glide path for consumers can bumpy.

  • by John Collett
Why the industry funds should embrace the super reform proposal

Why the industry funds should embrace the super reform proposal

Don’t be distracted by the insider arguments – what matters is what it means for members and their retirement savings.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
How the new default system for superannuation would work

How the new default system for superannuation would work

Like most 22-year-olds, Kelly Vaughan-Taylor doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about superannuation.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons