Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | Brisbane Times


Climate Change

'Inherent flaw': ACT threatens to block energy plan

'Inherent flaw': ACT threatens to block energy plan

Two new design issues have emerged that incline the ACT government to block the National Energy Guarantee, Shane Rattenbury, the territory's energy minister says.

  • by Peter Hannam


It's been 30 years since the first alarm on global warming was sounded
Extreme weather

It's been 30 years since the first alarm on global warming was sounded

Scientific predictions have largely been on target since there were made in 1988, except the expectation that politicians would listen, and act.

  • by Peter Hannam
Huge majority supports renewables over coal even at greater cost

Huge majority supports renewables over coal even at greater cost

A new poll finds a huge majority of Australians want the government to focus on renewable energy infrastructure even if it costs them more.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Global warming set to exceed 1.5 degrees, slow growth: UN draft
Paris Agreement

Global warming set to exceed 1.5 degrees, slow growth: UN draft

Governments can cap temperatures below the strict 1.5-degree ceiling agreed in 2015 only with "rapid and far-reaching" transitions in the world economy, the report says.

  • by Alister Doyle
Craig Kelly calls for party room clarification as emission gap widens

Craig Kelly calls for party room clarification as emission gap widens

The Coalition MP has called for ministers to clarify Australia's Paris climate commitments after his policy stance was undermined by the Environment Department.

  • by Peter Hannam
Antarctic ice loss triples in decade sparking fears of serious trouble
Paris Agreement

Antarctic ice loss triples in decade sparking fears of serious trouble

If the acceleration continues, some of scientists' worst fears about rising oceans could be realised, leaving low-lying cities and communities increasingly at risk.

  • by Chris Mooney
Power sector emissions dip stalls, while transport revs up

Power sector emissions dip stalls, while transport revs up

Cuts in power sector emissions are unlikely to be maintained, while those from the transport sector will continue to climb in the absence of standards.

  • by Peter Hannam
Climate activist Bill McKibben still fighting 'The End of Nature'
Extreme weather

Climate activist Bill McKibben still fighting 'The End of Nature'

The leading American environmentalist reveals how he stays positive amid mounting gloom on the scientific and political front.

  • by Peter Hannam
Limiting global warming to 2 degrees now 'aspirational': scientists

Limiting global warming to 2 degrees now 'aspirational': scientists

The chances of limiting dangerous climate change to less than 2 degrees are rapidly disappearing as carbon emissions again ramp up in China, scientists say.

  • by Peter Hannam
Newcastle's T4 coal port expansion scrapped as demand fails to rise

Newcastle's T4 coal port expansion scrapped as demand fails to rise

The $5bln-plus Terminal 4 coal export expansion planned for Newcastle has been scrapped after demand for the fossil fuel failed to increase as expected. 

  • by Peter Hannam
Mars bars fossil fuels and goes 100pc renewables

Mars bars fossil fuels and goes 100pc renewables

The confectionery maker - one of Australia's biggest manufacturers - plans to use energy from renewable sources only to offset all carbon emissions by 2040.

  • by Peter Hannam