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This Is America #12: #OccupyICENYC, Pittsburgh Shuts It Down

Welcome, to This Is America, June 22nd, 2018. #OccupyICE Actions Spread Across the US In this episode, we talked with someone in New York about that...

Reportback From the First Rally for Antwon Rose

This reportback was originally published on Torchlight, and was sent from an anarchist who attended the first rally for Antwon Rose on Wednesday evening....

Kite Line: The Stakes of #SurroundICE

Long running anti-prison podcast Kite Line discusses immigrant detention and beyond. Listen and Download HERE This week, we will focus on a specific story about an...

July 25, 2018 – Fourth Annual International Day of Solidarity with...

Announcing the 4th annual call for an international day of solidarity with antifascist prisoners. Since the last July 25th International Day of Solidarity with...

Fighting for the Memory and Life of Antwon Rose Jr.

The following report was originally posted on Filler PGH. Antwon Rose Jr. was murdered by the East Pittsburgh Police Tuesday night, June 19th. Officer...

North Carolina, USA: Anti-Mountain Valley Pipeline Action report

The following communique, originally posted to Contra-Info, was sent to It's Going Down anonymously, which we re-post below. Cover photo from NRDC The communique reads: Amidst...

New York: Call to Occupy ICE

The following is a call from the Metropolitian Anarchist Coordinating Council (MACC) for #OccupyICENYC actions starting on June 22nd. MACC is calling for an emergency...

Announcing the 5th Annual Torch Network Conference

The following announces the 5th annual Torch antifascist network conference on September 1st and 2nd in Richmond, Virginia, hosted by Antifa Seven Hills.  This...

Richmond, VA: Anti-Pipeline Banner Drop on Virginia DEQ Central Offices and...

The following report and photos was submitted to It's Going Down by the River Healers group. A 10’ x 35’ banner was hung on the...

Milwaukee, WI: Anti-Ice Banners Dropped

The following report and photo was anonymously submitted to It's Going Down. In solidarity with communities under constant attack by ICE (Immigration and Customs...

All The Reasons Why It’s Going Down This Summer

Ready or not - this summer, it's going down. Ten years after the financial crisis of 2008 and wealth and power are even more concentrated...

Rustbelt Abolition Radio: Abolishing Electronic Incarceration

Prison abolitionist podcast and radio show Rustbelt Abolition Radio returns with a brand new episode on electronic ankle shackles. Myaisha Hayes and James Kilgore...

Seattle, WA: IWW Direct Action Campaign Forces Bosses to End Lockout

Seattle based members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) wrote the following report about their ongoing organizing efforts at Grassroots Campaigns. We are...

Welcome to Hell: Call to Action June 30 and July 1...

Call to resist anti-immigrant groups in Montreal from June 30th to July 1st.  On July 1, hate groups like La Meute and Storm Alliance have...

Philadelphia, PA: New Issue of Anathema

Long running Philadelphia anarchist publication Anathema returns with a new issue. Volume 4 Issue 6 (PDF for printing 11 x 17) Volume 4 Issue 6 (PDF for...

Philadelphia, PA: Update on Autonomous Garden

Report from Philadelphia around growing tensions between developers and those wanting to keep an autonomous garden from being bulldozed. If you’ve been wondering whats up...

A Report from the Front: East Pittsburgh for Antwon Rose

The following is a report on street demonstrations that broke out today in East Pittsburgh following the police murder of a 17 year old...

Occupy ICE PDX Calls on People to Establish Their Own Occupations...

The following is a call from Occupy ICE PDX organizers for more occupations to form in order to push for the abolition of ICE. Beginning...

Autonomous Action Against ICE in Tampa Bay, Florida

The following communique was anonymously sent to It's Going Down which we reprint below. As spontaneous rallies, protests, and even occupations have erupted across the...

A Guide to Bill C-75: Understanding the Liberals’ Crime Bill

This analysis of the new C-75 bill in Canada was originally published on North-Shore.Info. It's the Colton Boushie bill and the #MeToo bill. It's the...

The System of Cash Bail is a Weapon of Class War

The following editorial argues that the system of cash bail is aimed at fleecing the poor of massive amounts of money in a system...
The following editorial argues that the system of cash bail is aimed at fleecing the poor of massive amounts of money in a system that rarely penalizes the wealthy. In Humboldt county, located in Northern California, people are calling for a boycott on Sizzler and Subway in Eureka because the...
Report from Unicorn Riot on the most recent dismissal of charges in the J20 trial. Washington, DC – Today eight more cases were dropped in the felony dragnet prosecution of protesters mass-arrested during President Trump’s inauguration on January 20th, 2017. Legal motions filed by prosecutors on Wednesday, June 13th, sought to...
This reportback was originally published on Torchlight, and was sent from an anarchist who attended the first rally for Antwon Rose on Wednesday evening. There was also a larger rally and march Thursday night that blocked Parkway East for over five hours. I got there late, about a half hour after the...
The following report was originally posted on Filler PGH. Antwon Rose Jr. was murdered by the East Pittsburgh Police Tuesday night, June 19th. Officer Michael Rosfeld pulled over the jitney (An unregistered cab in Pittsburgh) Antwon was riding in, alleging that it matched a car involved in a drive-by...
Ready or not - this summer, it's going down. Ten years after the financial crisis of 2008 and wealth and power are even more concentrated at the top. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the population of the world has become even more precarious, more impoverished, and even within the US,...
This analysis of the new C-75 bill in Canada was originally published on North-Shore.Info. It's the Colton Boushie bill and the #MeToo bill. It's the bill that wants to speed trials up and change how people are impacted by bail while waiting. It's a bill that frees the state's hand...