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Weekly Podcast: The Kicker

Podcast: How media pressure forced Trump’s hand on border policy

Jun 22, 2018

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Working: What it takes to be a journalist today

Spring/Summer 2018

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In Pittsburgh, an unprecedented blow to editorial cartoonist

UPDATE: Rob Rogers, a Post-Gazette editorial cartoonist for more than two decades, says he has been fired from the paper. Rogers' announcement comes after the Post-Gazette declined to run a number of Rogers' cartoons, and more than a week after the paper posted...

Jun 11, 2018

New Issue

More secure jobs, bigger paychecks

It was 1933, and the Great Depression was pummeling the newspaper industry. The New York World, once owned by Joseph Pulitzer and the city’s largest paper, had closed two years earlier, throwing 3,000 people out of work. In many cities,...

May 30, 2018

America’s growing news deserts

America's growing news deserts

The new information environment: digital fragmentation

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