
Category archives for Appalachian

Bob Somerby nails Bernard Goldberg’s repetition of Lott’s false claim that the media deliberately concealed defensive gun use in the shootings at the Appalachian School of Law.

Lott’s favourite example of the “Bias Against Guns” is the story of the shootings at the Appalachian School of Law. Lott performed a superficial analysis of the news stories about the shootings and found that very few of the stories mentioned the fact that two of the students involved in apprehending the killer were armed.…

(All of my postings on the shootings at the Appalachian School of law are here.) Lott has a [report of a conversation with Mikael Gross]( on his blog. In The Bias Against Guns Lott claims that Gross pointed his gun at Peter Odighizuwa: Only two local newspapers (the Richmond Times Dispatch and the Charlotte Observer)…

On his blog, Lott offers an excuse for the fact that in his book and on his blog he had not mentioned that Ted Besen contradicts Bridges’ claim to have used a gun to disarm Odighizuwa: I have gotten an e-mail asking about the role that Ted Besen played in stopping the Appalachian Law School…

Amateurish errors and apparent deception

Glenn Reynolds links to this Dave Kopel article and says that it shows that the New York Times reporting on guns was “riddled with amateurish errors and apparent deception”. Speaking of which, here is Kopel: What if a gun owner does something very unwicked—such as saving dozens of people from a mass killer? Don’t expect…

Lott has a posting responding to my comments on his claims that the news coverage of the shootings at the Appalachian School of Law was biased. I wrote: Unfortunately, Lott’s counting methodology is flawed, his count missed half of the stories that mentioned the armed students, his version of what happened deliberately omits important facts…

After Lott claimed that biased news coverage of the shootings at the Appalachian School of Law deliberately omitted a defensive gun use, I did my own analysis of the news stories and found that the alleged bias was the product of Lott’s flawed counting methodology. Lott has posted a spreadsheet listing 295 articles he found…

Lott has an article in the National Review Online where once more misleads his readers about what happened at the Appalachian School of Law: “Last year, two law students with law-enforcement backgrounds as deputy sheriffs in another state stopped the shooting at the Appalachian Law School in Virginia. When the attack started the students ran…

Links from the MinuteMan

Tom Maguire has an interesting post which collects some links to blogspace discussion about the Appalachian Law School shootings. One interesting thing is that Lott and Kopel independently made the same error—they both claimed that the New York Times did not mention the defender’s gun when it did. Both errors were particularly egregious. Kopel quoted…

Who’s right, Besen or Bridges?

Tom Spencer believes that I have essentially destroyed one of Lott’s core arguments and wonders why pro-gun people continue to support him. There are two contradictory stories about what happened at the Appalachian Law School: Besen said that Odighizuwa set his gun and a clip on a light fixture about four feet off the ground…