
Category archives for creationism

Sideshow Roy Spencer

The Washington Post reveals that Roy Spencer is the man behind environmentalist parody site Somewhere in an office about 600 miles southwest of here, former NASA scientist Roy W. Spencer is laughing. The 50-year-old, white-haired PhD dreamed up the spoof site — sort of the Onion meets the Weather Channel — because he thinks…

Tech Central Station hits new low

Long time readers will be aware of what I think of the appalling quality of the writing about science in Tech Central Station. (Examples: Statistics, Fumento, epidemiology physics, economics, more statistics, and more epidemiology. ) Well, they’ve destroyed any remaining credibility they might have had with an article arguing for Intelligent Design Creationism. And it’s…

Tim Blair writes: Michael Gawenda, The Age’s man in Washington, reports: The majority of Americans believe in creationism rather than evolution. And I bet Gawenda can’t name a single one of them. Also, his data may be a little astray; according to this round-up of polling on the issue, creationism—although widely supported—is yet to reach…

Science Links

William Connolley lists another ten global warming myths. PZ Myers delivers a righteous smackdown to Paul from Wizbang for Paul’s profoundly ignorant attacks on evolution. (Paul’s responds by calling evolution a cult.) As well as having totally demolished\* the theory of evolution, Paul has also done for global warming: Which is more plausible: The established…

The Panda’s Thumb is an excellent new blog devoted to defending the integrity of science against attacks from creationists. I put it straight into my blog roll. Mark Perakh has a post where he tells a story that should be very familiar to those who know about Lott’s antics at My book Unintelligent Design…

Steve Milloy, shill

Apart from the one or two posts about John Lott I’ve also posted about ozone depletion denial, creationism and astroturf. All these topics, as well as Lott, come together in the person of Steve Milloy. Milloy runs a website that purports to debunk “junk science”. Unsuspecting visitors might think that Milloy’s site is devoted…

Not about Lott or guns

Chris Mooney has a very interesting article about the dubious techniques used by creationists to make it appear that there is strong public support for teaching creationism in schools alongside scientific theories. My favourite was this question: Texas law requires students to analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their…