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Children distressed, separated from parents in US immigration detention

Children distressed, separated from parents in US immigration detention

One teenager said she was helping care for a young child she didn't know because the child's aunt was somewhere else in the facility.


Laura Bush echoes Melania Trump's criticism of child separation policy

Laura Bush echoes Melania Trump's criticism of child separation policy

US first ladies, past and present, have joined the chorus of protest against the policy of breaking up families that attempt to enter the US illegally.

Melania Trump says US should govern 'with heart' on immigration

Melania Trump says US should govern 'with heart' on immigration

Melania Trump has urged "both sides" to govern "with heart" in response to questions on her husband's policy of separating parents and children at the border.

  • by Peter Baker
A young reporter, her middle-aged source and the real-life House of Cards drama

A young reporter, her middle-aged source and the real-life House of Cards drama

Trump says James Wolfe's arrest was a 'terrific thing'. Trump supporters have accused the pair of trading sex and secrets to spread anti-Trump stories.

Suspect killed and dozens injured at New Jersey arts festival shooting

Suspect killed and dozens injured at New Jersey arts festival shooting

Krystal Knapp's shift at an annual arts and music festival in Trenton, New Jersey, was nearing its end when the commotion began.

  • by Kristine Phillips
'Nobody likes' family separation policy: Trump White House adviser

'Nobody likes' family separation policy: Trump White House adviser

"Nobody likes" breaking up families and "seeing babies ripped from their mothers' arms," said Kellyanne Conway, a counsellor to the President.

Toxic Secrets: 'Why me? Why couldn’t you just let me die?'

Toxic Secrets: 'Why me? Why couldn’t you just let me die?'

Amara Strande is 16. She has battled liver cancer while those around her have died. This is her story.

  • by Amara Strande
Actor says husband's Tesla car burst into flames in traffic

Actor says husband's Tesla car burst into flames in traffic

The electric car was parked when it apparently caught fire. Tesla says it is investigating the 'extraordinarily unusual occurrence'.

Casa Padre: the converted Walmart holding 1500 immigrant children

Casa Padre: the converted Walmart holding 1500 immigrant children

For more than a year, the old Walmart along the Mexican border here has been a mystery to those driving by on the highway.

  • by Michael E. Miller
A trade war looms as Trump slaps tariffs on 1102 Chinese imports

A trade war looms as Trump slaps tariffs on 1102 Chinese imports

China responded immediately after the US announced tariffs on 1102 Chinese product lines worth about $US50 billion a year.

  • by Christopher Rugaber
Former Trump campaign chief Manafort sent into custody by US judge
Russia probe

Former Trump campaign chief Manafort sent into custody by US judge

Manafort has his $10 million bail revoked pending trial after he was charged with witness tampering.

  • by Chad Day