On Airship

I’ve seen a lot of buzz about the Paragon Initiative’s new CMS, Airship. I can’t help thinking that really smart people are doing a lot of unnecessary work for a very small amount of gain.

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Integrating PhpStorm With Rally

If you are required to tolerate use Rally for tracking stories in your iterations, you’ve been missing out on IDE integration - until now.

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University degree program template

Some of you may know that I’ve decided to go back to school to get my CS degree. It’s a part-time thing I’m doing in addition to my day job. In any case, all of the universities that I’ve been a student at haven’t had a good tool to plan out your degree over time, and University of the People is no exception, so I made one.

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Use the Force!

Python developers have Jedi. Go developers have gocode. Hack developers have the built-in autocomplete functionality in hhvm. PHP developers have….nothing.

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Introducing estmt.me

For somebody working in a development agency, estimation is a critical part of the job. Different companies handle this process differently, and the method can be anything from a wild guess (“That’ll cost around $n”) to a very methodic approach.

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Review: The Tim Ferriss Experiment

As an avid reader of The Four Hour Workweek, The Four Hour Body, and The Four Hour Chef, I have to admit that I was extremely excited about The Tim Ferriss Experiment, a new TV show in which Ferriss uses himself as a human guinea pig to choose new skills and learn them at an incredibly accelerated rate. In the pilot episode, Tim has just five days to learn how to play the drums. At the end of five days, he’ll be playing onstage with Foreigner in front of a live audience. Along the way, he has assistance from Chris Frazier (the band’s drummer) and Stewart Copeland (percussionist from “The Police”).

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How can we fix Drupal 8?

The year was 2008. I was a senior in high school, and I had been running a web development business with a longtime friend for two years. During this time, my partner and I had produced over half a million lines of code for our in-house CMS. It was built on CodeIgniter, which was quite popular at the time - and for good reason: the developer experience was exceptionally good, and pretty much everything in the system was unbelievably well documented.

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