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No Conversion
STOP Hindu conversions by Christian Missionaries नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे proudly banned by all SECULARS in media
No Conversion 7h
More are coming ---
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No Conversion 7h
Christian Missionary .... in a Metro !!!
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No Conversion 7h
Replying to @deepthiag3
join my team
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No Conversion 7h
Replying to @PopcornYogic
You dont know majority of foreign funds come through as cash .... second those NGO had ZERO balance on FCRA... they have already done their damage
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No Conversion 7h
Haryana is also severely affected ....
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No Conversion 7h
Sonipat , Haryana Christian conversion program ----
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No Conversion 10h
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No Conversion 10h
For thinkers ..must watch and share ... ji is doing great work ... please support him ---
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No Conversion 11h
When Congress gave free hand to Christian missionaries, they never waited for elections or Majority why BJP cannot tighten VISA issuance to foreign missionaries and STOP foreign funding? we don't need new LAW to stop conversion ..just SMART people
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No Conversion 11h
धोकेबाज़ इसाई पास्टर , बजिंदर सिंह ...जिस पर rape का केस चल रहा है ... जमानत पर छूट गया ... और फिर से स्टेज पर ड्रामा शुरू --- -
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No Conversion 11h
Christianity is called .....Religion of Peace and Love ..... How many wars they have waged ? ---
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No Conversion 11h
This Christian Conversion nonsense.. is happening across INDIA ... one way to stop this is to make small groups ... join my team ... and tell me what you can do ---
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No Conversion 11h
If you come across this type of Auto Rickshaw , which is promoting conversion material... take everything ..from him ..politely that he has less material to influence others ... you can do whatever you want with material
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No Conversion 15h
चमत्कार के नाम पर धोका हो रहा है .. इसाई पास्टर बजिंदर सिंह ...जो जेल से जमानत पर बहार घूम रहा है, इस पास्टर पर rape का आरोप है ... आज कल स्टेज पर यह ड्रामा कर रहा है
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No Conversion 17h
Noida, near Delhi ..... see the number of new churches which have come up .. actual number is much bigger as house based churches are not included in this !!!
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No Conversion 17h
चीफ मिनिस्टर छत्तीसगढ , इसाई मिशनरी धर्म परिवर्तन सभा में बढ़ चढ़ कर हिस्सा ले रहे है ?
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No Conversion 19h
आनंदपुर मध्य प्रदेश इसाई धर्म परिवर्तन सभा ... यह मिशनरी हर गाँव हर शहर में पहुँच चुके है
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No Conversion 20h
I will post all my videos here on my TL .. Please RT .. and make more people aware
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No Conversion 21h
I am planing to start... Noconversion support group in every City .....once I have sufficient people .. I will start making local groups ... please sign up ---
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No Conversion 21h
भारत के बहार इसाई और मुस्लिम कट्टर दुश्मन ... भारत के अन्दर दोनों मिले हुए है टुकड़े टुकड़े gang
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