Mark HamillVerified account


Believe in yourself! Work hard, never give up & anything's possible! OR: Kick back, relax & aim low: You'll never be disappointed...😜

Joined May 2011
Born on September 25


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  1. Pinned Tweet

    Talk to the jacket.

  2. Retweeted

    May 12, 1937-June 22, 2008 Ten years. Missed by millions. Missed more by his loved ones. What he taught through his actions: Do your work. Speak your truth. Be generous to those with less resources. Speak out for those with less power. Take everyone's ego to task.

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  4. Jun 21
  5. Jun 20

    Thanks to these luminous beings for inviting crude matter such as myself to join tonight's (Did my apology to Canada make the final-cut?)

  6. Jun 20
  7. Jun 20

    CORRECTING - did NOT say "Womp-Womp" when hearing of a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome seperated from her mother. He made the sad-trombone sound: "Wah-Wahh!", a commonplace comic sound-effect. .

  8. Jun 20

    The Tender Age Trail of Tears

  9. Jun 19

    Chilling Presidential statement tries to have it both ways: "I don't want children taken away... you have to take the children away" Immoral & shameful. Traumatizing children & scarring them for life? We are better than this-History will not judge us kindly.

  10. Jun 18

    I owe Bob Anderson more than I can say, not only for his expert skills as a swordsman, but for his support & kindness. Peter Diamond choreographed it all & they had the patience of saints making a klutz like me seem credible. GREAT guys & I miss them both.

  11. Jun 18

    A-David Prowse IS Darth Vader. B-James Earl Jones is his voice. C-Bob Anderson is his stunt-double. D-Hayden Christensen is my son's age.

  12. Retweeted
    Jun 17

    I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.

  13. Jun 18

    You are my perfect gift (& my favorite daughter). Love always, dad

  14. Jun 18
  15. Jun 17
  16. Jun 17
  17. Jun 16

    “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore- Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  18. Jun 16

    We still need "a" Republican senator to join. Not ONE?! And I thought human compassion was nonpartisan... 💔

  19. Jun 16
  20. Jun 15

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