Sri Sri YogaHitelesített felhasználó


This is the Official Twitter Account of the Sri Sri Yoga.

Bengaluru, Karnataka
Csatlakozott 2013. február


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  1. 31 perccel ezelőtt

    Lord Hanuman is an ardent devotee of Ram, his devotion to the lord is truly commendable.He is known as an Ashta Siddha (one with 8 perfections) & also Lord of Celibacy, an ideal "Brahmachari". It said it prayer to him bestows immense strength to the devotee. Happy

  2. retweetelte
    ápr. 17.

    Mahavir means one with great courage. He did not fight any wars but He conquered the one thing worth conquering - He won over his own mind. His life teaches us that non-violence & patience are signs of great strength of spirit. Happy

  3. ápr. 17.

    by Gurudev “Life works on strange laws of nature (Karma). One never knows when a friend turns enemy & vice-versa. Rely on your Self; self-reliance” – itt: Art of Living International Center

  4. retweetelte
    ápr. 16.

    Sri Sri Yoga Level 2 organised by Singapore concluded with all Yogis undergoing a Super Body Mind detox ,Strengthening their Sadhana & Commitment to knowledge and deepening their experiences .

  5. ápr. 16.

    by Gurudev “Grace has the ability to change anything at any time.” – itt: Art of Living International Center

  6. ápr. 15.

    “Commitment is about stretching your capabilities. It can take you across all obstacles.” - Gurudev – itt: Art of Living International Center

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    ápr. 14.

    Today, the solar New Year is also being celebrated in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Bengal & North East. Happy & Happy New Year. 2/2

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  8. retweetelte
    ápr. 14.

    Rama is the light in one's heart. When the light within is born, life is filled with love & completeness. While Rama is wisdom, Lakshmana is awareness, Bharata is brilliance & Shatrughna is one without an enemy. 1/2

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  9. ápr. 14.

    Yoga is truly beyond any religion, it is a way of life! Today we see people embracing Yoga from every corner of the world. Our director ji, taking forward the vision of Gurudev , to bring authentic Yoga education to the world.

  10. ápr. 14.

    by Gurudev “There is freedom when you realize that you are just a witness to all that is happening.” – itt: Art of Living International Center

  11. ápr. 13.

    Maharishi Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras speaks about of Ahimsa - Non violence, as a Yama - Societal ethics. Today on we must remember, violence is not a means to end conflict, peace & dialogue are.Let's resolve to Ahimsa for a better and happier society.

  12. ápr. 13.

    शब्द 'किरण' और 'चमक' संस्कृत मूल शब्द 'रा' से आते हैं। ‘रा’ का अर्थ है प्रकाश, ’मा’ का अर्थ है मेरे भीतर, मेरे हृदय में। तो, राम का अर्थ है मेरे भीतर का प्रकाश। वह जो होने के हर कण में दीप्तिमान है, वह राम है। आप सब को की शुभकामनायें।

  13. ápr. 13.

    On this auspicious occasion of Sri we present a story on the power of devotion by Gurudev – itt: Art of Living International Center

  14. ápr. 13.

    “The words ‘rays’ and ‘radiance’ come from the Sanskrit root word ‘ra’. ‘Ra’ means light, ‘Ma’ means within me, in my heart. So, Rama means the light within me. That which is radiant in every particle of the being is Rama.” - Gurudev Happy Sri to everyone! – itt: Art of Living International Center

  15. ápr. 13.

    With the practice of Yoga one can get rid of all Kleshas ( afflictions) especially Raga (craving) & Dwesha (aversion). At the root of all addictions is a strong craving! योग के अभ्यास से ही होगा – itt: Art of Living International Center

  16. ápr. 13.

    Combine BCST with Yoga & Ayurveda for the maximum results. Ayurveda helps in detoxing the body & mind, while Yoga brings the much needed spiritual upliftment! Come discover how Yoga can transform your life. Call us: +919886011231 – itt: Art of Living International Center

  17. ápr. 12.

    “Welcome each day with a genuine smile from within. That smile comes when you know for sure that the divine loves you.” - Gurudev

  18. ápr. 11.

    Register now to listen(Shravana) to the ultimate knowledge from Gurudev on Bhagavad Gita. Contemplate (Manana), experience & go deeper into the wisdom of the Gita through our Sri Sri Yoga TTC. Finally, let knowledge get assimilated (Nidhidhyasa) into your life.

  19. ápr. 11.

    Mayurasana brings mind to the present moment. It is often practiced as the last Asana before relaxation & moving into higher limbs of Yoga. Come discover the secrets to Master the Mayurasana at the 300H Advanced Sri Sri Yoga TTC. Register NOW:

  20. ápr. 11.

    "Samatvam Yoga Uchyate" - Being equanimous is Yoga. When you go to cast the vote, remember to It's not just about likes and dislikes, it's about choosing what is right for the country. Go cast your Vote and a be a responsible Yogi!


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