TOP 5 keyboard shortcuts for programming

I was wondering what keyboard shortcuts developers use within their favourite IDE and which are absolutely inevitable. Do you just use the pre-defined ones or do you rather prefer configuring your own shortcuts independetly of the IDE? Which shortcuts increase your productivity and why? Here is a list of our favourites… Continue reading

lazy stars within regular expressions

Today i stumbled across something really funny which is called “lazy star” and is used as a term within regular expressions. I did work on an expression and could not get it to work till i found the lazy “guy” which was the solution for the problem. Continue reading

Powerfull online bookmark service

With the web 2.0 a lot of online boomark services came up, the most prominent might be I really like the idea of having all my bookmarks online so i can access them from wherever I want and I don’t need to backup them by myself etc. I tried and some others but never was really satisfied because every service missed some feature i’d like to have in such a service.

Must have features:

  • Possibility to group bookmarks in folders
  • Possibility to tag bookmarks
  • search through them
  • make them public or private
  • plugin to access the bookmarks in FF or IE
  • Import/Export your bookmarks

Nice to have features:

  • share them with friends
  • random bookmarks
  • recommended bookmarks

Finally I found the free GPL’d online bookmark service called Chipmark, which actually has all the features mentioned above. I can highly recommend it since I use it every day, in IE and FF. They also started to provide a public webservice API that you can use in your own applications. By now you can login and the get all your folders and links. This might be really usefull for some people.

Wow, that was finally my first article here :-) I hope it is usefull for somebody.