Great free icon set for your web applications

Today I was again using some icons of the probably best icon set out there so I thought to recommend it here as well. The silk icons consist of 1000!! icons for all your needs (files, flags, RSS, hardware, community, multimedia,…) within application development and make your apps look really professional. The nice thing is that they’re released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License and therefore are completely free. Continue reading

IE7 Bug: Blank page (white screen) after some refresh's

While I was testing my web apps in the new Internet Explorer 7 I discovered that sometimes a page is not rendered properly after a refresh. After some testing I realized that somehow the browser is randomly showing a blank (white) page when I hit the reload button a couple of times. The interesting thing was that when I viewed the sourcecode everything was there but the page wasn’t displayed at all. I did some research and found the reasons/solutions for it. Continue reading

IE7 important known bugs for web developers

I know I am a little late because the new Internet Explorer has been already released some weeks ago. However yesterday I had the time to download this new thing and have a try on the new surf experience. Ive just used it for one day now but its awesome till now. On my notebook (old sony vaio) it is much faster than the new Firefox 2.0. Continue reading

Building dialogs with auto adjusted content just with CSS

Each application/website uses some popup windows or modaldialogs (known from MS IE) to display some content. I will call them dialogs in the rest of the article. To keep such dialogs userfriendly and easy to use the dialog should have (or usually has) the structure which you can see in the picture on the left. A headline at the top, an endline at the bottom and a content container between those two. The best thing now would be to have the content dynamically adjusted to the free space between the headline and the endline. Also some scrollbars should come up if there is not enough space (see picture). I’ll explain how to do this. Continue reading

Category: CSS

Collection of VBScript string functions for classic ASP

I’ve just thought of extracting another class of my framework called StringOperations and publish it on here for free use because I think there are some useful things in it which you need for everyday work. Beside that it includes some functions which are also available in the .net framework. So whenever you have to deal with classic ASP again and you want to have a more powerful base for your work then this is a must. Continue reading

Link categories: "Between Link and Description" bugfix/workaround

We are currently using the 2.0.4 version of wordpress and I have discovered that the “between link and description” property for link categories is being completely ignored by the system. As i am not really into the architecture of worpress yet i am not sure if its a real bug or if the feature should be activated somewhere but as i have seen on the wordpress support boards it seems to be a bug and people strugle to find a nice workaround/bugfix for this. I have a stylesheet solution for this. Continue reading

Cache object for classic ASP

As I have written my own framework for building web based applications with classic ASP I thought of posting some classes, components, controls, etc. on here. The complete framework is not publicly available (yet). Nevertheless I want to publish some fragments of it here if they are somehow standalone, so its not a real mission to use them without the full framework.
Lately I needed to write a RSS component which reads all kind of RSS Feeds, writes its own and so on. What’s more is that I thought it would be nice to cache some RSS Feeds for all users on the server. Especially the ones which arent updated so often. Thats a nice thing because normally we would send a request to the server where the feed is located and this may take some while (depending on the network) whereas with the cache we could get it directly from our server if it has not expired yet. Continue reading

A must seen for all web devs

The other day I got a recommendation of a work collegue to watch a movie about security of web apps. Two days ago i watched it and was surprised about it because i’ve realized that there are a lot of vulnerbilities out there which we should really care about. You know not care in a way of being paranoid of securing your apps now but just to be aware of them. Continue reading

Web Dev Bros launched.

We want to welcome everybody to the new web dev hot talk. If you don’t really know the terms and/or want to know what the blog is (or rather will be) about just go to the “what is it all about” page. Basically we want to post hot stuff about web scripting e.g. our experiences as web devs for some years now, tips & tricks, new technolgies, programming style, etc. We made this decision because of the love to coding and for this reason we feel somehow that we owe the code something … If you feel the same hit the “RSS subscribe”. Or even better make it your startpage. A beer for the first one.

Have fun, fabian & michal

P.S: we are available through the following adresses: