Federal officials discussed raising alert level to highest level during Idle No More, book says (repost)

Senior federal officials discussed raising the country’s alert level to the highest tier at the height of the Idle No More movement, which also shaped how Canada’s security agencies handle Indigenous-led protests, according to a new book.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Federal officials discussed raising alert level to highest level during Idle No More, book says ...........READ MORE

Montreal, Friday June 22: Demonstration Against Persecution of Migrants in united states

Friday June 22 at 3 PM – 7 PM

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/252196085537918/

U.S. Consulate General Montréal
1155, rue St-Alexandre, Montreal, Quebec H3B 3Z1
Toda la comunidad latina y demás comunidades provenientes de la
inmigración se harán presentes para pronunciarse en contra de la
inhumanidad con la que son tratadas las familias inmigrantes en la
frontera sur de los Estados unidos.
Lleven sus banderas, pancartas, megafono, todo su corazón y su fuerza,

**FR// Toute la communauté latinoaméricaine et autres issues de
l’immigration seront présentes pour se prononcer contre le ...........READ MORE


Urgent Action Alert: Details of Serious Abuse of Kevin Rashid Johnson


Prisoner Name:
Kevin “Rashid” Johnson #158039
Florida Department of Corrections – Santa Rosa Correctional Institution


Speaking up against brutalizing a mentally ill prisoner

On May 21, 2018, Kevin Johnson was retaliated against for speaking up on behalf of a mentally ill prisoner named Murphy who was being brutalized by corrections officers at the Santa Rosa Correctional Institution (SRCI). As Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) officers were gassing and assaulting Mr. Murphy for making too much noise, Mr. Johnson raised his voice from inside his solitary confinement cell (in order ...........READ MORE


Mass demonstration against the G7 and to open the borders!

Down with capitalist exploitation, colonialism, and racist and sexist politics!

The heads of state of the seven most powerful imperialist and colonialist countries will gather on June 8th and 9th as part of the G7 Summit that will take place at the Manoir Richeliue in Malbaie. It’s a special occasion for the global elite to celebrate their dominance of the capitalist economy in style. While they claim to be discussing economic growth, job creation, gender equality, and climate change, in reality G7 meetings are key to the process of organizing the global economy in favour of banks and the oil, ...........READ MORE


North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference 2018

WHERE: CEDA, 2515 Rue Delisle, Montréal, QC 
WHEN: June 1-3, 10am-6pm
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/239455783465853/

The North American Anarchist Studies Network conference (NAASN) is intended to be a space where disciplinarity and resistance can converge on Turtle Island/”North America”, and is held in a different location throughout Turtle Island/”North America” each year.

We’re excited to welcome all those attending and presenting to NAASN 2018 (our 8th conference!) happening in Montréal from June 1-3rd at CÉDA. As many of you are aware it will be a busy few weeks for radicals in so-called Québec, with the Montréal Anarchist Bookfair happening the weekend before. ...........READ MORE


Speculative Fiction, Resistance, and Social Change

WHEN: Thursday, May 24 at 7pm
WHERE: Q-PIRG Concordia, 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Room 204 (Guy Metro)
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/172388626754372/

Speculative fiction has a long history of creating stories that challenge our assumptions about what is possible. Some say that this makes it a natural tool for aiding social justice movements. Others would argue that speculative fiction, like other literary genres, merely springs from and reinforces current social mores and ways of thinking.

This panel will bring together writers of speculative fiction to discuss and debate such issues as the role of dystopian and utopian fiction as social commentary, whether science ...........READ MORE


(May 19) Open the Borders! Refugees Welcome! Stop the Racist Far-Right!

All out to the Canada-US Border at Roxham Road!
Saturday, May 19, 2018, 11am-5pm
At the Canada-US Border, 1 hour south of Montreal.
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/WAFsDEgpiBA2– BUSES are leaving from Montreal at 9:30am (sharp); to reserve a space, visit: http://bit.ly/2I5j2mM – Download our POSTERS and FLYERS: www.solidarityacrossborders.org/en/may-19-open-the-borders-downloads-posters-flyers-banner
– If you are driving and can offer a space in your CAR get in touch: solidaritesansfrontieres@gmail.com
– We encourage the participation of parents, caregivers and their kids, and we’ll be setting up a KIDS ZONE in a local animal farm with kids activities.
...........READ MORE

May 17-20 in Montreal: The Great Transition, Preparing a World Beyond Capitalism

The Great Transition is an international conference that will take place in Montreal from May 17 to 20, 2018. This 4-day event aims to bring together a thousand participants to discuss critiques of capitalism, strategies for overcoming it, and models of alternative economic organization. In other words, it is about thinking of the great transition out of capitalism, for a social and economic alternative that would be ecological, feminist, egalitarian and democratic.

The Great Transition will combine two annual events: the North American edition of Historical Materialism and the Summer School of the Nouveaux cahiers du socialisme. Historical Materialism is ...........READ MORE