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Survivor Love Letter Mural

Survivor Love Letter Mural

June 18, 2018

Last month justseeds artist, Jess X. Snow, and friends Layqa Nuna Yawar and Tani Ikeda created  “A Monument for Survival”–a mural installation for @werise_la  for the movement Survivor Love Letter. #Survivorloveletter…

Justseeds in TSG: Say My Name

Justseeds in TSG: Say My Name


Gladstone Hotel
1214 Queen St W
Toronto, ON

Justseeds members Jesse Purcell and Mary Tremonte created a new printstallation, “Existence Resistance” for That’s So Gay: Say My Name, a group exhibition curated by Syrus Marcus Ware at Toronto’s…

Armed Love: A Screening

Armed Love: A Screening


Interference Archive
314 7th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Interference Archive is excited to be screening the new short documentary, Armed Love, by Sean Stewart. The film is a meditative look at and conversation with Ben Morea about his…

Taylor’s Checkerspot Mural Unveiling

Taylor’s Checkerspot Mural Unveiling


106 10th Ave, Cottage Grove, Oregon

NOTE:: DATE CHANGED!! If you happen to be in Cottage Grove, Oregon this Friday the 29th of June 2018, please come out to the corner of 10th and Washington to…