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Part One: The mission is not complete: How Andre Patterson and Felita Sample blew the whistle on Treasure Island fraud

At 11:00 a.m. Monday, April 16, 2018, community organizer Steve Zeltzer introduced former Treasure Island residents Andre Patterson and Felita Sample, who had been invited to speak at this press conference where whistle-blowers exposed the malfeasance of remediation contractor Tetra Tech on Hunters Point and Treasure Island. “I want to introduce two people today who’ve been personally affected by the corruption and the coverup at Treasure Island.”

Behind Enemy Lines

Kinetik speaks: ‘In segregation or on the yard, the message is the same – SLAVERY MUST END’

Jun 25, 2018

In conjunction with our formal introduction of Free Alabama Movement to the world, I spoke of “a flicker becoming a flame.” And, the threat of that flame blazing into a wildfire for change. To be in balance with the Universal Order, myself and hundreds of men confined within the Alabama DOC decided to become the change we wanted to see. From ‘14 throughout ‘15 and ‘16 we worked, tirelessly, fanning that flicker – networking, mobilizing, organizing and educating – into a flame.

MOVE member Debbie Africa released

Jun 18, 2018

In the early morning of June 16, after nearly 40 years of unjust imprisonment by the state of Pennsylvania, political prisoner and MOVE 9 member Debbie Sims Africa was granted parole and released from the State Correctional Institution-Cambridge Springs. Messaging on Instagram, the MOVE Organization wrote: “Our sister Debbie Africa is FREE! What a beautiful day to find freedom! Let’s keep fighting for our bros and sisters still behind bars — Mike [Sr.], Eddie, Chuck, Janet, Janine and Delbert! The struggle is underway!” This important victory comes exactly two years after Debbie, Janet and Janine Africa were last denied parole in 2016.

Alabama’s mistreatment of prisoners with mental illness has led to a dramatic increase in suicides

Jun 16, 2018

Since the beginning of 2018, four people in ADOC custody – three in solitary confinement and one on death row – have died by suicide. The suicide rate in Alabama prisons is one of the highest in the country. In June 2017, U.S. District Judge Myron H. Thompson declared the mental health system in Alabama prisons “horrendously inadequate,” an unconstitutional failure that led to what Thompson called a “skyrocketing suicide rate” among prisoners.

The rich go free and the poor get LWOP

Jun 3, 2018

I am speaking to how I personally feel about the disparity in justice for the rich and the poor, the people who have friends and family that are willing to fight and those who don’t and who are left with no voice. I have been all alone in my fight for freedom some 30 or so years. I have no family who speaks out, I was too young to have friends and the few that I do have now are ones that I have met since my incarceration.

SHU-shifting redux: Plaintiffs in Ashker v. Brown seek relief from ongoing isolation

Jun 1, 2018

As the San Francisco BayView goes to press, a critical ruling is soon expected in Ashker v. Brown (aka Ashker v. Governor, Docket No. 4:09-cv-09-5796 CW (N.D. Cal.)), the federal class-action lawsuit challenging indefinite solitary confinement in California. The anticipated ruling concerns Plaintiffs’ motion challenging the ongoing conditions of extreme isolation endured by many class members.

Open letter to Gov. Rauner from the Stateville Debate Team
Judge skeptical of CDCr’s excuses for sleep deprivation in solitary confinement
Hog farms, toxic water and more toxic prisons in Texas and beyond
Prison Lives Matter: In the Spirit of Nelson Mandela
Our finances have to be redirected from cookies and chips toward freedom initiatives
Support the grassroots Bay View newspaper
Amerika uses military grade chemical weapons on prisoners that it bombs Syria for using in civil war
Former Black Panther Romaine ‘Chip’ Fitzgerald will remain behind bars
Protect Political Prisoner Delbert Africa, icon and leader of MOVE
‘WE are the Bay View’: Kevin Jones-Bey and Sundiata Acoli salute the Bay View
Too many parole denials at New Folsom
Former Black Panther Romaine ‘Chip’ Fitzgerald seeks parole after 49 years behind bars
Call for a Juneteenth 2018 Mobilization Against Prison Slavery
Prison Panthers and awakening the Black radical
Prosecutorial objection to bringing a parole system to Illinois

News & Views

From CPS to ICE, the Separation Nation didn’t begin with these incarcerated babies

Jun 25, 2018

The violent Separation Nation didn’t begin with this generation — with these babies — or their incarceration — The Separation Nation began with the theft of Turtle Island — and the humans who lived here and thrived on it. As we grieve, show up, demand and scream for the freedom of these incarcerated babies, please don’t get confused by the blur of this present genocidal history. Take a refresher course with me through the violent herstories that built this stolen land – and continue to assist in the realization and manifestation of the most important aspects of what I call the Separation Nation.

Part Two: The making of a Treasure Island whistleblower

Jun 21, 2018

I was born on July 11, 1954. My brother Charles was born on July 17. We’re cancers. We’re tough. He’s older than I am. He’s an Irish twin. We’re the same age for six days. I was born in a Kansas City hospital – County Hospital Number Two – a segregated hospital. Hospital Number One was for white people. Hospital Two was for Black people. Kansas was a border state. They didn’t have slaves, but they didn’t like Black people.

Stop the heartless racism on the border: Make justice and decency prevail in our nation

Jun 20, 2018

As both the political left and right decry the heartless immigration policy that is separating children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border, the white evangelical community is proving once again to be the taillight instead of the headline on issues of basic morality and justice. This is not the first time in U.S. history when those among us who most loudly cite from the Bible outright ignore or deny humanitarian crises.

Truth tribunal for the poisoned and exploited residents of Treasure Island today, 5:30, before Tetra Tech RAB meeting

Jun 19, 2018

Join us today, June 19, at Building One, Treasure Island, at 5:30 to speak at a Tribunal holding bad actors Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Nancy Pelosi to account for their RICO crimes. The Tribunal is being held just before the 7:00 p.m. RAB meeting, where speakers will talk to the Navy and the RAB members. Looking forward to seeing you today.

The organized poor: Poor People’s March on Washington and HUD in honor of Dr. King’s March on Washington

Jun 17, 2018

“We are surrounded by Black cops,” said Leroy Moore, with POOR Magazine and Krip Hop Nation, about the 15 Black cops who surrounded us houseless and formerly houseless mamas, uncles, children and elders from the Poor People’s March when we walked humbly into the Washington, D.C., office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to demand our housing back. “We are here to meet with Ben Carson,” we all said.

In an open letter to the Board of Supervisors, the BVHP community demands full retesting and cleanup of the Hunters Point Shipyard Superfund site
Black is back in San Francisco! Welcome back, Mayor London Breed
The Singapore Summit: Working for peace in Korea
Declaring a public health crisis at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco ,  a federal Superfund site
With lead expanding, results show London dominated citywide voting
California’s chance to lead for poor children
Black privilege loses to white power, white politics and white privilege in SF June election’s Proposition I
‘Went Down to the Rich (White) Man’s House’: Poor and unhoused people march on Washington DC for their lives and self-determination
Divide and rule: Balkanizing the Democratic Republic of Congo
Six hundred supporters party with mayoral hopeful London Breed on election night
Environmental justice has a May Day in court: $27 billion class action filed against Tetra Tech
Bay area protests against CPS and Family Court injustice
Bayview community farmers market launches
OSHA attorney Dr. Darrell Whitman: Whistleblower connects the dots
It isn’t easy being a Green Party candidate in a Democratic Party town

Culture Currents

Upcoming Events

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June 26, 2018
Day of Action at West County Detention Facility 7:00 am West County Detention Facility 5555 Giant Hwy, Richmond, CA 94806 The only ICE facility in the Bay Area is located ... more>>
June 26, 2018
FREE 8-week Village Project SUMMER ENRICHMENT CAMP (June 11-Aug 3) 9:00 am Cyprian's Center – Arts, Resilience, Community - 2097 Turk St, San Francisco, CA 94115 For San Francisco youth, the camp runs from 9 a.m. ... more>>
June 26, 2018
Community Tuesdays at Radio Africa & Kitchen -- dinner for $10 5:00 pm Radio Africa & Kitchen, 4800 Third St., San Francisco You’re invited to “break bread” with us in the ... more>>
June 26, 2018
MINDFULNESS MEDITATION SESSIONS: Free Every Tuesday 7:00 pm St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church 2097 Turk St (at Lyon) San Francisco, CA 94115 Free, weekly, 30-minute meditation sessions. Each will begin with a 10... more>>
June 27, 2018
FREE 8-week Village Project SUMMER ENRICHMENT CAMP (June 11-Aug 3) 9:00 am Cyprian's Center – Arts, Resilience, Community - 2097 Turk St, San Francisco, CA 94115 For San Francisco youth, the camp runs from 9 a.m. ... more>>
June 27, 2018
Free Drop-in Job Counseling Every Fourth Wednesday 2:00 pm Central Library, 2090 Kittredge at Shattuck, Berkeley Looking for a job? Or perhaps have a job and ... more>>

Amerikkka was built on busting up families …

Jun 25, 2018

Bottom of the boat — rocking, rolling, thrashing — Violently – the quaking black — hole now her life. She had — No idea where she was — on the awful ocean, — Traveling shackled for — thousands of miles; — belly beginning to bulge —
with the baby of her rum-reeking rapist and his — “Zero Tolerance” policy — for — tears… — She would bear four more for — a ‘Master,’ who’d sell her — to the West Virginian wanting — her in the worst way –

The joys, and CRIMES, of Juneteenth

Jun 18, 2018

As WE commemorate Juneteenth Freedom Day(s) again this year, it is always necessary to OVERstand the real Lessons in the Blessings (as my beloved God-Mother ELIZABETH ELIZANN OAKS-ARMSTRONG would often say). While Juneteenth is possibly the oldest and largest commemoration of the “official” ending of the murderous war of enslavement, many of our people have never grasped its true origins and significance.

Sickle cell disease hits young Californians hard

Jun 16, 2018

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder that can cause pain, anemia, infection and other serious health problems. As young people living with sickle cell disease (SCD) age, their health care needs change. This World Sickle Cell Day, observed each year on June 19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are providing special support to young adults living with SCD.

Wolfpack Gunshot Response Team: Out of the projects come the saviors of their hood

Jun 11, 2018

It was a historic day in April when a team of young people completed their training to take on the job of saving their hood in Cleveland, Ohio. Four young adults ranging from 19-29 became the first civilian gunshot response team in Ohio history. Not to mention they are African American and from the projects. Breniesha Lightfoot, DeAndre “Boss Hog” Glover and Belton Sanders, along with local activist and Washington, D.C., native Suncere Ali Shakur, make up the Wolfpack Gunshot Response Team of Cleveland. Our job is to stop the bleeding from wounds for the first 5-10 minutes until EMS arrives.

Dorris Vincent presents SFHDC Power of Words award to Ratcliffs

Jun 2, 2018

The most elegant event we’ve ever attended was the San Francisco Housing Development Corp.’s 30th Anniversary Gala at the wondrous California Academy of Sciences – yes, guests could see the exhibits! – on Friday, May 11. We, Dr. Willlie and Mary Ratcliff, were invited to accept the Power of Words award, and we were thrilled to be presented it by SFHDC Board Member Dorris Vincent, an old friend and a pillar of the Bayview Hunters Point community. These are her remarks:

Poverty people as benefactors sending out a clarion call Blackonizing the other Amerika where LOVE abounds and our Jesus is found
SF Library plans to install privacy-threatening RFID tags into books and materials despite EFF, ACLU-NC, Library Users Assoc. opposition
From Kunta Kinte to Keba Konte: Driving racism from the workplace
When barbequing while Black becomes a part of the Art of Living Black
San Francisco Black Film Festival celebrates 20th anniversary with best ever lineup June 14-17
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