Cloudinary Blog

Integrating Cloudinary with Forestry’s Media Library

At Forestry, we believe that there is a bright future for static HTML sites built with tools like Jekyll and Hugo. These tools can create sites that run well, and are easy to host and maintain, because they don’t require any server-side code.

One drawback of static sites is that they don’t provide a user-friendly content management interface when compared to popular blogging platforms, like WordPress. For this reason, we sought to create the best possible content management engine that integrates easily with static site generators. Developers that use Forestry can connect the Git repository containing their static site and start editing their content in our UI right away. When users save changes to their content, Forestry will update the appropriate files and commit them back to the repository.

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Video Optimization With the HTML5 <video> Player

Lack of experience and compression knowhow can cause significant user-experience problems. For instance, on a major retail site, I recently ran into a 48 MB video-hero banner. Pulling out the video and encoding it as an H.264 MP4 reduces the size to 1.9 MB. So, despite the desire for more video content, developers have not yet caught up to best practices. How do we get the best of both worlds without creating a disaster like the one above?

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Build a Facial Emotion Recognition Based Video Suggestion App

Developers are always looking for new and creative ways to deliver content that resonates with the way users feel. Often using the latest technical innovations the market has to offer such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). What better way to demonstrate innovative uses of these technology in a consumer market than capturing expressions from your users and then serving content based on that expression!

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Improve Customer Data Protection with GDPR Implementation


Yay! We've done it! Gold-Star for us! We've talked with all the people, made all the changes, paid all the lawyers and checked all the boxes. GDPR? ✅Done!

Not so fast. Of course, conforming to the GDPR regulations introduced in Europe is just the beginning. This is a process and a state of mind that must become part of our long-term cultural ethos.

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Magento Image and Video Optimization

As the number of channels and devices continues to grow, it is becoming much more challenging to deliver an optimal visual experience. On an eCommerce site, engagement and conversions are critical. Factors such as page load time strongly influence search engine rankings, shopping experiences, conversion rates and, ultimately, your revenue. An optimized visual experience positively affects conversion rates. But it also can introduce resource bottlenecks, as every image and video needs to be delivered in the most efficient format, quality and resolution, based on the viewing device.

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ImageCon2018: Toward Excellence in Interactive Visual Media

On April 12, 2018, Cloudinary hosted its second annual ImageCon conference, which brought together more than 200 professionals from developers to architects to designers to executives. We had two main goals for this year’s ImageCon: shine a light on interactive media through presentations by leading industry experts and foster an open exchange of media-related best practices and ideas among the attendees.

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How To Make a jQuery 360 Product Viewer

eCommerce is a dynamic business. Visitors are constantly checking sites for the best deals or their favorite products, adding to their wishlists and exploring product recommendations from friends and influencers. At the same time, online vendors rely on numerous techniques - such as optimizing page load time, using sharp product images and aggressively targeting ads - to draw in shoppers and convert clicks into cash.

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How to Make Boomerang Video Effect With Cloudinary

When you see the term boomerang, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

A thrown tool made of wood that returns to its thrower? Another definition is reversal, logically portraying the aim of the tool itself. Based on this definition, the term boomerang videos” came into play to depict videos that loop back and forth.

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