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Khaled Beydoun 20h
One perspective on the rescue
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VD 12h
They are angels 👼 Respect and love for them 🙏
Reply Retweet Like 8h
My World Champions of 2018: Wild Boars FC 🙏🏻🏆🇹🇭 And not just the boys and their coach, but to all the brave rescuers involved in this incredible mission! 🇹🇭
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Ahmad Algohbary Jul 9
I am so happy that the world comes together to save boys trapped in cave in . But why they can't do it to save 2 million children from malnutrition in ? My country is forgotten, why is that? Are we human beings? Do we deserve to live in peace? My heart is broken.
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Jovin John 11h
”Children are more important than rice. We can regrow rice but we can’t regrow the children - Mae Bua Chaicheun, Rice farmer. Her rice paddies were destroyed by the water pumped from the cave in the rescue mission...
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Richard Barrow in Thailand 9h
I can sleep better tonight knowing that all of the boys are safely out. Though they are not yet with their parents, I know they are in safe hands. Thank you for following me over the last few weeks. I’m off to bed now. I have to get up early to go to school. My day job.
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Richard Barrow in Thailand 9h
The most remarkable story about the rescue were the parents of the boys. Not once did they blame Coach Aek for what happened. On the contrary, they thanked him for looking after their boys. In some parts of the world he would have been lynched. Not in .
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Richard Barrow in Thailand 13h
A big thank you to everyone involved in bringing all of the Wild Boars and their coach home. Both divers and support team. It was truly an international effort. Credit: Facebook SISIDEA
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Chaim Neumann Jul 9
Finnish diver Mikko Paasi is one of many divers from all over the world who've joined in the rescue mission, he is consideredas one of the worlds best divers, let’s all pray that everyone stays safe and is reunited with their loved ones. 💪❤️💝
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Marc K-B 12h
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Melania Trump 10h
Wonderful to hear all 12 boys & their coach are out of the cave in . What an amazing & heroic global effort! Wishing them all a speedy recovery.
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Anna d' Carvalho Official 5h
People who make the difference in this World! Respect!!
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Dr. Kash Sirinanda 🇱🇰🇦🇺🇩🇰 9h
After 17 days, the entire Thai soccer team and their coach have been rescued from the cave — here's why the operation was so difficult Via
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Maya Angelou 4h
"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." . We celebrate that in Thailand all 12 boys and their soccer coach were rescued! Families are being reunited. Continue.
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Richard Barrow in Thailand 9h
The unsung heroes of the rescue mission was the team who tirelessly pumped water out of the cave. But now they’ve volunteered to stay behind to pump water out of the flooded farm fields. Total respect from me.
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Nativejar 11h
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Nativejar Jul 9
Heroes behind the scene that no media talks about. The ones draining water out from the cave.
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A. Vic Jul 9
Read about the water pumped out of the cave flooding nearby farms, instead of getting angry the poor farmers said “we can harvest next time, we need to save 13 lives now.” And nothing restored my faith in humanity better than this
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Cam Reddin 14h
A week ago, all 13 presumed dead. Today, all 13 out alive. No other word is appropriate. This is a miracle.
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Yasin Mohammed 13h
Bravo !! they are ALL OUT - including Dr + 3 Seals. Here is a LIKE as a RESPECT to the entire team and their supporters
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