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US Senator for Florida. Follow for more updates.

United States
Geregistreerd in augustus 2008


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  1. 22 jun.

    Actually more like 2 screaming people who apparently support a release policy that encourges already vulnerable migrants to bring children with them on dangerous journey to unlawfully cross U.S. border. Great policy for human traffickers & cartels, but not so great for children.

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  2. 22 jun.

    Won’t be easy to house families together,but we must do it. Because we can never again go back to policy of either separating families or releasing everyone. Yes,separating families is cruel. But so is release policy that incentivizes adults to unlawfully cross border with kids

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  3. 22 jun.

    Should pass bill we filed asap. It creates capacity to hold families together,sets standards for family detention,hires judges to speed up their hearing process,but also ends the release policy that enticed parents to bring children on dangerous journey to unlawfully enter U.S.

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  4. 22 jun.

    Visited Homestead shelter for migrant children. We must make sure they are safe & cared for & held together with parents as soon as possible. But we MUST also end the cruel policies which incentivize parents to bring kids here on such a dangerous journey.

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  5. 22 jun.

    Wow what a surprise! Yet another American citizen working at embassy in was injured. We have embassies in virtually every country on the planet but this only happens in two countries Cuba &

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  6. 22 jun.

    I know for a FACT that has been a strong voice of compassion for migrant children. The vicious treatment of her over the last day is a reminder of how Trump Derangement Syndrome,where hatred for him justifies everything,has become an epidemic. Totally lunacy everywhere!!!

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  7. 22 jun.

    We are AMERICA which means no matter the legality of their entry we MUST meet a higher standard in our treatment of vulnerable migrants,especially children. But we MUST also end the policies incentivizing adults to bring children on dangerous journey to unlawfully enter the U.S.

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  8. 22 jun.

    ELISHA was filled with his spirit; He worked twice as many marvels & and every utterance of his mouth was wonderful. During his lifetime he feared no one, nor was anyone able to intimidate his will. Sirach 48:12

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  9. 21 jun.

    Charles Krauthammer was a man of extraordinary intellect. Truly one of a kind. The conservative movement & the nation will miss his incredible insight, especially in times such as these. We offer our deepest condolences to his family. May he Rest In Peace

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  10. 21 jun.

    I have already filed a bill that would curb investment in industries critical to national security. Once this policy is finalized next week by Trump administration we will be filing an amendment to make permanent in law this much needed measure

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  11. 21 jun.

    Here you go, the long arm of China. At least John Oliver is standing up to them after he was censored in for mocking Chinese censorship. Most movie studios censor themselves to they can distribute films in China.

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  12. 21 jun.

    Earlier today I spoke on the Senate Floor about our immigration issues and the need for Congress to act if we want to enforce the law & also keep families together. Watch here:

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  13. 21 jun.

    I support a generous immigration system. I support responsibly accommodating those who came years ago as children & those who have been here a long time. But a policy which basically says if you unlawfully enter with children you will likely get to stay forever is irresponsible

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  14. 21 jun.

    Based on Senate speeches Democrat position is: Don’t detain children; Don’t detain their parents either so we don’t separate families &; Don’t deport them if they fail to appear for subsequent hearing. So basically if you enter unlawfully with children we won’t enforce the law?

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  15. 21 jun.

    Great news! The world is waking up to the threat. just held up a China aerospace deal over national security. This is why instead of a trade fight with Europe we should have teamed up with them to confront China together.

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  16. 21 jun.

    Wish big business backing on tariffs would realize if we continue to allow them to steal our innovations soon they will be shut out of China & have to compete against companies that stole their tech & are backed by low interest loans from China gov

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  17. 21 jun.

    The tariffs on are a & frankly could be more. China is stealing between $300 & $600 BILLION a year of American intellectual property. Enough is enough.

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  18. 21 jun.

    How exactly does helping save give us leverage in broader negotiations with China? Giving in to their demands doesn’t create leverage, it emboldens them to see us as bluffers. Plus our national security should not be a bargaining chip anyway.

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  19. 21 jun.

    Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done,on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; & forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;& do not subject us to the final test, but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6: 9-13

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  20. 20 jun.

    Just heard Senate colleague on floor say U.S. detains immigrant children “indefinitely & indiscriminately”. That is just PATENTLY FALSE. They are entitled to due process hearing so not indefinite. And only applies to those who enter U.S. unlawfully so its not indiscriminate.

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